Monday, December 23, 2019

Analysis Of How Junk Food Can End Obesity - 1791 Words

Elisabeth Wilgenburg Teresa Ishigaki English 3 15 September 2014 An Analysis of â€Å"How Junk Food can End Obesity† David H. Freedman, a consulting editor for John Hopkins and author of several books, writes in â€Å"How Junk food can End Obesity† about the dangers of ruling out Fast Food as a way to decrease obesity in society. He argues that using nutrients to gauge the healthiness of a food is an adequate way to increase health in society, and that most â€Å"healthy† foods contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients that do not promote health. He also advocates small changes of about 50-100 calories in meals to encourage people to stay on their diets and promote long-term weight loss. He also points out the severe monetary difference between health foods and fast food. He ultimately wants to promote using the forum of food in society to decrease obesity in society, rather than making the large leap from junk food to whole, natural foods. Freedman’s argument is a claim of value, because he wants people to change their v iew point from looking down on obese people for their dietary decisions and focus on encouraging the food industry to cut back on calories in food. Near the end of the article, he does support for government action, but it was more of an afterthought rather than a call for action. He even provides evidence that taxation has not always worked; â€Å"Denmark did manage to enact a fatty-food tax, but it was deemed a failure when consumers went next door into Germany and Sweden toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article How Junk Food Can End Obesity844 Words   |  4 PagesThe obesity epidemic has become one of the worst illnesses nationwide over the past few decades. Obesity is technically defined as a disorder that involves excessive body fat which increases the risk for health problems or concerns. The most concerning part of America’s obesity epidemic is the percentage that affects the children. The major question, is can we as Americans do anything to change the obesity rate? In the article â€Å"How Junk Food Can End Obesity,† the author David H. Freeman demonstratesRead MoreResearch Proposal for Fast Food Consumption1143 Words   |  5 PagesRaffay Usman 4. Nausherwan Khan Proposed Research Topic: A statistical analysis of fast food consumption and trends in Pakistan. Purposes: In Pakistan, the fast food trend has entered mainstream. It has taken its roots from the American culture of fast food. Many multinational eateries like McDonald, Pizza Hut, KFC, Dunkin Donuts and Hardees have opened many branches all across Pakistan. These US fast food chains have tailored their menu to local tastes. An example of the same is PizzaRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The Overbearing Truth1664 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood Obesity; the Overbearing Truth. â€Å"Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating† – Bob Filner Imagine growing up in a household where one can eat anything. Whether an unlimited amount of sweets or entrees. This is happening now. Parents are unaware of their children eating and physical habits. Leading to the whopping amount of $190 billion in medical bills. This is all because of obesity relatedRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Growing Disease1492 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity in America is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers’ lives today. Who is to blame? Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years ( this takes us to the focus of how childhood obesity has become an enormous issue today. For us to understand theRead MoreJunk Foods And Childhood Obesity1916 Words   |  8 Pages Junk Foods Bongbong Alfaro DeVry University Prewriting What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. Junk Foods are huge contributor to obesity and other diseases. Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Be detailed in your answer about your audience. Young or old, rich or poor are the primary audience in my topic because they are the consumers who been deceived by companies that misleadingRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity Essay1282 Words   |  6 Pagesactually leading to an unhealthy lifestyle which is known as obesity. IV. Obesity is a condition of human body that is not as desirable Body Mass Index (BMI) due to accumulation of excess body fat in the blood vessels. A. According to Gary D. Foster, author of the article Primary Physicians’ Attitudes about Obesity and it’s Treatment ,this disease become epidemic in the society and not being solved as the patients’ fears to treat obesity is mainly due to their negative approaches towards this problemRead MoreThe Soft Drink Industry Essay996 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Today’s global soft drink industry that is worth approximately 511.6 billion dollars can trace its history back to the days when the first mineral water was found in natural springs (Reuters, 2014). According to Bellis (2014) people who started bathing in natural springs instantly realised that it is a healthy thing to do and due to that it was said that mineral water has healing powers. The carbon dioxide or in other words the magic that was behind the bubbles in natural spring waterRead MoreAmerica s Present Economic State, Citizens Are Looking For One Thing1778 Words   |  8 Pagesmeans. There has been an increased approval in fast food and convenience store establishments that provide swift and stimulating products. It is the inexpensive and easy way to purchase these â€Å"goods† that is slowly deterring the well-being of our country. The reason behind the low prices of such unhealthy choices provided by fast food restaurants and convenience stores is attributed to the subsidizing of producers of companies making the junk food. These companies such as McDonald’s, Coke, Pepsi, andRead MoreFast-Food Advertising Causes Obesity Essay1395 Words   |  6 Pagesor children who eat from fast food restaurants have a big risk for becoming overweight. Some research shows that greater familiarity with fast food advertising on television is associated with obesity in young people (Pediatric Academic Societies parag.1). It is known that these children and adolescents are being extremely exposed to fast food advertising including the internet, social media, and particularly on television. The marketer and owners of these fast food restaurants use many techniquesRead MoreObesity : Obesity And The Obesity2209 Words   |  9 Pages OBESITY in America As the world is growing day by day the problem of obesity is also increasing all over the world. Since from1980 to 2014, the obesity has risen two times as compared to the previous years. The obesity is related to the how much energy is left, but the most important cause of having the obesity is â€Å"dysbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure† (Nazarii Kobyliak 1). The obesity is the excessive fat in the body and it can cause to any age group form child to the old

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Choice of Vertical Firm Boundaries Free Essays

ETC has been the dominating theoretical lens for analyzing firm boundary design choices. Further research reported several limitations to ETC. The Limitations Include low explanatory power of ETC In industries characterized by weak price competition (Nickering and Silverman 2003) and innovative environment (Welter and Evolves 2008) . We will write a custom essay sample on Choice of Vertical Firm Boundaries or any similar topic only for you Order Now The relationship between uncertainty and vertical integration has also been challenged (Dyer 1 996, Hotter 2005, schilling and statesman 2002, walker and Weber 1984, Welter and Evolves 2008). Other limitation of Tee’s explanatory power is its narrow level of analysis. ETC looks at â€Å"one transaction at a time†, therefore it neglects interdependencies of boundary choices and is not sufficient to explain the overall firm boundaries. A number of papers elaborated on that deficiency (e. G. Argyles and Liabilities 1 999, Parmigianino and Mitchell 2009). Capabilities approach provides a complementary explanation to understanding firm boundary choices. Tech (1986, 996) argues that decisions of firm scope are related to firm capabilities and profiting from them in the best way. Capabilities approach scholars propose that firms focus on functions that represent the core of their competitive advantage based on superior capabilities and resources formed over time as a result of path-dependent learning process, and outsource non-core capabilities (e. G. Aragua et al. 2003). Further they argue that firms tend to specialize in activities where they have some comparative advantage Cabooses How to cite Choice of Vertical Firm Boundaries, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Breakbeat Science Exercise Four free essay sample

As an avid fan of Breakbeat Science, Imade it a point to buy â€Å"Exercise Four† as soon as it wasreleased. The CD was produced and mixed for one of the cofounders of thealbum’s record label. DJ DB traveled to New York from London andin 1996 created America’s first drum and bass record store. DJ DBcalled on the talents of Pieter K, DJ Dara, Stakka and many otherelectronic artists from around the world to make this album possible. Iparticularly enjoy the fact that the CD is priced well and includes 15high-quality tracks. I think this CD is a great bargain becausesome of the tracks were produced exclusively for use in European clubs.It’s a bonus to have a dose of culture from a different continenton top of getting to hear some great music. Contrary to howalbums ought to be produced, the most significant tracks here are at theend. My favorite by far is â€Å"2B† by DJ DB and Stakka. We will write a custom essay sample on Breakbeat Science Exercise Four or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It hasa fast tempo and female vocals that add a nice touch to the synth soundsand break beats. The cuts on all tracks are extraordinarily clean andwell recorded. Going through each track I had difficulty findingany defects. The album is composed beautifully and deserves nothing butpraise. At about eight dollars, the CD is a good buy and I recommend it.I can’t wait to see what these musicians will turn outnext time.