Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Conquest-part 2 Guns,Germs and Steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conquest-part 2 Guns,Germs and Steel - Essay Example The diseases, in turn, were caught from the European livestock. Thus, the history of the modern civilization and current balance of political forces are rooted deeply in the distant pre-literate age. The movie explains why the Incas and Maya did not use the wheels, though they undoubtedly knew about them and why Fernando Cortà ©s and Francisco Pizarro, with a bunch of mercenaries, managed to conquer these ancient empires and defeat the armies that were 500 times bigger. Western civilization was certainly more advanced technology-wise and it helped it to conquest the Indians in the most rude and violent manner. As a result of this conquest the civilization of the North American Indians was almost completely destroyed. We get to know that Europe dominated the world due to a unique combination of natural and economic factors that made it the most favorable for the development of civilization. The author also places emphasis that European colonization is only a particular example of the processes occurring continuously throughout the history of mankind: for example, the peoples of Central Africa, who mastered agriculture and cattle breeding, moved aside their neighbors – Bushmen; modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia - the descendants of immigrants from South China and their less developed, at the time, predecessors were forced to move to the Pacific islands and Madagascar. The author believes that the initial deficit of large-seeded grasses in the New World (corn only, with smaller protein content compared to wheat) and lack of animals suitable for domestication slowed the population growth extremely; the thing is not only in the deficit of meat and milk but in the absence of pack and draught animals that excluded plowing, transportation of goods and so on. This, in turn, slowed down the development of agricultural

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