Monday, September 30, 2019

National Family Welfare Program

The institution of family is as old as man himself. It is the basic social cell. Sociologists and economists have always been propounding the ways to improve quality of life, which is difficult to achieve if the population remains unchecked. India launched a nation-wide Family Welfare Program in 1952, during the first five year plan, making it the first country in the world to do so. COMPONENTS The National family welfare Program in India has five components: A. Maternal and child health, extended to reproduction and child health care.B. Immunization of pregnant women by tetanus toxoid and that of children infant and preschoolers by BCG, oral polio , diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and measles. C. Nutritional supplement- Iron and folic acid to pregnant women and children. Vit. A to prevent blindness D. Contraceptive education and distribution free and social marketing i. e Contraceptive Nirodh, Oral Contraceptive i. e Mala D, copper –T and that of voluntary surgical contracepti on E. Health education on primary health care particularly motivation to accept contraception.Emphasis on vasectomy was made in the national program, currently spacing contraception is promoted. A. Maternal and Child Health{MCH} It relates to health of mother during pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal period and that of newborn and neo-natal health. Reproductive and Child Health (RCH)- relates to extended MCH with adolescent and post-menopausal woman’s health. The RCH package covers: 1. Pre-reproductive Adolescent years: Health care of adolescent girl including health promotion, safe age of marriage > 20 years, prevention of unsafe abortion and prevention of sexually transmitted disease (STD/AIDS) . Reproductive Years †¢Contraception. †¢Legal Abortion ( MTP) †¢Effective RCH care to ensure safe motherhood. Risk approach RCH care is streamlines Male involvement in RCH care is essential. †¢Effective nutritional education to all and services to the vulnera ble group. †¢Service to promote child survival. †¢Prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infection and sexually transmitted disease including HIV/AIDS high risk labor by automobile transport. †¢Prevention and treatment of gynecological problems menstrual disorders or infertility. 3. Post reproductive Years †¢Prevention and care of genital prolapse Education on menopause. †¢Screening and treatment of cancer especially cervical cancer. B. Immunization: Immunization to the mother and child was made one of the important approach. The WHO launched its Expanded program on immunization against six most common preventable childhood diseases, viz. diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, polio, tuberculosis and measles. The government of India launched its EPI in 1978 with the objective to reduce mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine-preventable diseases of childhood and to achieve self sufficiency, in the production of vaccine.UIP in India w as started in 1985. It has two vital components i. e. immunization of pregnant women against tetanus and immunization of children in their first year against the six targeted diseases. C. Nutritional supplement †¢Special Nutrition program: This program was started in 1970 for the nutritional benefit of children below 6 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers and is in operation in urban slum, tribal areas and backward rural areas. The supplementary food supplies about 300 Kcal and 10-12 gms of protein per child per day.The beneficiary mothers receive daily 500 Kcal and 25 gms of protein. This supplement is provided to them for about 300 days in an year. †¢Balwadi Nutrition Program: This program was started in 1970 for the benefit of children in the age group 3-6 years. It is under the overall charge of Department of Social Welfare. The food supplement provides 300 Kcal and 10gms of protein per child. †¢Mid-day Meal Program: The program was started in 1961 with an o bjective to promote school admissions, prevent drop-outs and improve literacy of children. The food should be a supplement not a substitute. ?Should supply at least 1/3rd of total energy and half of total protein requirement. ?Economical. ?Should be such that can be easily prepared at schools. ?Locally available. ?Avoid monotony. †¢Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) ?Improvement of the nutritional and health status of children below 6 years of age, ? Basic service for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child, ? Reduction in the incidence of morbidity, mortality, malnutrition and school dropout, ?Effective coordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development and ? Improvement of the capability of mother to look after normal health needs of the children. For achieving these objectives following steps were taken ?Supplementary Nutrition ?Immunization ?Health check-up ?Referral services ?Health and nutrition education ?Non-formal pre-school education. †¢Creches for the children of working or ailing mothers. †¢Welfare of Handicapped children ?Scholarships ?Model schools. ?Educational and rehabilitative services. Financial assistance to voluntary organization. ?Integrated education with normal children in ordinary schools. ?Training of teachers. ?Manufacture and development of special aids. ?Special employment exchanges. †¢The Under-five clinic. This type of service was developed to dispense preventive curative and promotive health services in a unified manner The Under-Five card consists of – record of weight, assessment of nutrition and necessary nutritional advice, Immunization, family planning advice, treatment of Illness. D. Contraceptive education and distribution:Contraception education received a new impetus with the creation of the Mass Education Media (MEM) division within the Department of Family welfare during the Inter-plan period of 1966-69. U nder free distribution schemes and the Social Marketing Program, contraceptives, both condoms and oral pills are sold at subsidized rates. E. Health Education on Primary Health Care. Health education on following components was given through various Health professionals. ?MCH care. ?Immunization. ?Nutrition supply and Education. ?Adequate supply of safe Drinking Water, Personal Hygiene and basic sanitation. Prevention and control of local endemics. ?Appropriate treatment of common diseases and Injuries LANDMARKS oFirst five year plan- (1952-1955)- †¢Establishment of few clinics ?Training and research was conducted. oSecond five year plan- (1961-1966)- †¢Integrated family planning †¢Health education activities and †¢Community development programs. oThird five year plan- (1961-1966)- ?Family was declared as â€Å"the very centre of planned development†. ?The emphasis was shifted from the purely â€Å"clinical approach† to the more vigorous â€Å"exte nsion education approach† for motivating the people for acceptance of the â€Å"small family norm†.Fourth Five year Plan- (1964- 1974)- †¢Family planning services were rendered through sub centers, PHCs and MCH and Family welfare centers. †¢All India Post Partum Program was started in 1970 to motivate mother for planning soon after delivery. †¢In 1972, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was implemented. oFifth Five Year Plan- (1974- 1979) – †¢Renamed as Department of Family Welfare. †¢Population control and Family Planning were made con current subject in January 1977 by the 42nd amendment of constitution. †¢1977- Program got a boost by the involvement of VHGs, Indigenous Trained Dais and local opinion leaders. Sixth Five Year Plan- (1980 – 1985) – †¢To attain Health For All by year 2000, through Primary Health Care Approach the Government accepted National Health Policy in 1983 which laid down following goals: ? Net Reproductive Rate : 1 ?Crude Birth Rate : 21/1000 live births ?Crude death rate : 9/1000 population ?Couple protection rate : 60% oSeventh Five Year Plan ( 1985- 1990) – †¢Department of family welfare was separated from Ministry of Health †¢Universal immunization Program, oral rehydration therapy and various other MCH programs.All these programs were brought together under the Child Survival and Safe Motherhood Program (CSSM) oEighth Five Year Plan (1992 – 1997) – †¢Top priority to slower rate of population. †¢Focus on delivery of quality services and integration of other services. †¢April-96 – Target free approach was announced emphasised on providing quality services on demand based on the need of people. †¢RCH – launched, included; ?All components of safe motherhood programme with added components of RTI/STI. ?All components of Child Survival. ?Fertility regulation with a focus on quality care. Aims: To improve the management services at central, state, district and block level ? Seeks to attain holistic approach in implementation of this programme ? Focus on neglected geographical areas. ?Focus on previously neglected segments of population. oNinth Five Year Plan- (1997 -2002) – †¢Objectives – ?Reduction in population growth ?Meeting all felt needs for contraception ?Reducing IMR and MMR and Maternal Morbidity Rate so that reduced fertility rate is achieved. ?1997 -Target Free Approach was renamed as Community need Assessment Approach. ?A Comprehensive National Population Policy 2000 for achieving set goals and objectives.There has been significant decline in the mortality and fertility rates due to successive growth and development of family planning programe as shown in the following figure. CONCLUSION: The Family Planning Programme in India has come a long way and is considered as a way of life by most people. It can be seen from the figure that there has been an im pressive increase in the outlays in the successive plan period. But in reality the outlay for each plan falls short especially for taking up any new venture because most of the cost is utilized for maintaining the infrastructure.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Our countries good

After feedback from our mock exam we identified how the whole piece lacked intensity but in other points had too much and became too loud without any real reason for it and at some points felt very scripted and UN-natural, this was having an Impact on the audiences experience and making it difficult to understand the story line as so much was going on.Since our mock we as a group, stripped back and taken a lot of the unnecessary content out of scene two and four as they were too long and came confusing and have been using Clack's card technique to Intensify the piece at points and make the piece calmer In other pieces to show the Intimacy and motherly bond formed between the two hostages In order to highlight our theme to show how the Imprisoned form trust groups and friendships to stay alive'.To reduce the risk of fire in the bungalow we are making sure that there is an adequate evacuation pathway: there will be no tripping hazards in the corridor to enable us to move our audience a nd performers around safely. There is a mirror fire risk from our candles but we will have two buckets of water to hand in case of problems.As performers working under stress we are in danger of straining muscles and vocal chords. We will use physical warm-ups to make sure our muscles are relaxed and diaphragmatic breathing to make sure we don't damage our vocal chords. During the lift we ensure that manual handling principles are followed by bending our knees and lowering centre of gravity.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Field Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Field Observation - Essay Example Therefore, in this field study, the effects of the prison system will be examined while how the police treat people in society will be discussed. â€Å"Sociologists view crime and state responses to crime as historically rooted in a social context. In many cases, patterns of punishment are only loosely related to underlying shifts in criminal behavior and often involve political conflicts over the status of socially marginal groups. This perspective offers valuable insights into the dramatic shifts in criminal behavior and its punishment over the last three decade† (The Sociology of Crime and Punishment). Along with that, some sociologists believe if people felt like that they were being surveillance, they would have more self-control to avoid being judged by others. Furthermore, it would give the surveillancers empowerment over those people who are watched, which is good for the criminal justice system. As a society, police need that empowerment so that criminals can feel a little imitation when they are faced by them. Along with that, from a sociological theory, the criminal justice system can be more effective by using it due to the fact that people are extremely self-aware when being watched and will behave when they know they are being indirectly controlled. Even though the government defines crime and while the government has good intention in protecting U.S. citizens from terrorism, having the authority to go through someone’s personal telephone and email communication while searching through their financial and medical records is truly an invasion of privacy, which goes against everything American stands for. Furthermore, this Patriot Act is unacceptable due to the fact it takes away from living in the land of the free. â€Å"On March 9, 2006, President Bush Signed The USA PATRIOT Improvement And Reauthorization Act Of 2005. Since its enactment in October 2001, the Patriot Act has been vital to winning the War on Terror

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Leadership - Assignment Example Equity theory therefore centers on two surfaces: outcome and input. A worker will most probably compare their inputs with the ratio of outcome. If the worker senses inequality, they adopt corrective measures against it. When there is inequity at workplace, an employee is likely to lower the organization’s productivity or minimize the job quality which may lead to resignation of absenteeism. Equity theory entails human motives and thus it should have an enormous application in order to comprehend organizational behavior. The Human Resource Department (HRD) should consider equity theory under scrutiny. This is because equity theory would help the HRD demystify behaviors of employees and present them with possible elements that might limit the performance and efficiency of employees as well as the entire organization (Al-Zawahreh and Al-Madi, 2012). Organizational HRD and leaders can assist in creating equity perceptions by guaranteeing that there is fair rewards and that workers are treated equitably. Otherwise, when a worker is unaware of a co-worker’s earnings, they are likely to overestimate their salaries, thus perceiving a relationship that is inequitable. This perception may implicate the organization since the employee may reduce their inputs (Buhler, 2002). Equity theory should be carefully considered in a case study such as Healthcare HRD. This is because healthcare has a sustained nursing scarcity, which leads to unequal levels of staffing and dissatisfaction of job. The situation is grim in hospital context where patient-nurse ratio is high and results to emotional exhaustion (Niles and Niles, 2012). The leaders can provide the employees basic needs such as housing, safety, salary, and job-security as well as proper job design (Pattanayak,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Making of Russian Political Traditions Essay

The Making of Russian Political Traditions - Essay Example It is obvious that features of such "driving forces" were specific for each empire, so these forces were essential for making political, economic, and even cultural "frames" of these empires. First of all, we need to juxtapose principal historic events of that time. The political and economic decline of Kiev in XII-XIII centuries led to strong regional developments (Keenan and Raeff, 2003). Rostov, the earliest princely centre in the north-east, was included in the princely rotation system for a long time. In the XII century, it became the patrimony of the younger branch of Vladimir II Monomakh's family. Under his son Yury Dolgoruky (1125-1157) and grandson Andrew I (1157-1174), the principality reached a high political and cultural development. In the XIII century, the principality of Moscow was created as an apanage (royal grant) within the grand principality of Vladimir. This new seat grew in importance when Michael Khorobrit, brother of Alexander Nevsky, conquered Vladimir (1248) and made himself prince of both centers. Daniel, Nevsky's son (1276-1303), was the progenitor of all the later Rurikid princes of Moscow. Yet, at that time the principality is very small and has insignificant political influence (Martin, 1995). The beginning of Moscow's rise to its later preeminence came during the reign of Daniel's son Ivan (1328-1341), who, by cooperating with khans of the Golden Horde, and also by his shrewd purchases (probably of tax-farming rights), greatly expanded the influence of his principality (Keenan and Raeff, 2003). We know that in time of the Mongol invasion many of the conquered cities made an unusual recovery and adjustment to the new relationships. Of course, some cities, such as Kiev, never fully recovered in Mongol times. However, new centers, such as Moscow and Tver, arose and flourished in Mongol times. The local princely dynasties continued unchanged in their traditional seats. Moreover, the northern Russian princes fell to quarreling and to maneuvering for their own advantage in the politics of the Golden Horde. In this period, rising of Muscovy was caused by "symbiosis" with the Golden Horde. However, why Muscovy was not "absorbed" by the Golden Horde Firstly, the Golden Horde was unstable as any multinational and highly heterogeneous empire, so its domination was not permanent. Then, this "symbiosis" was not comprehensive. Influence of the Golden Horde in the areas of religion and intellectual life was practically nonexistent. Limited contacts between the Slavic and Turkic populations, and the strong Orthodox clergy control in Muscovy were very favorable for surviving Russian culture. Comprehensive cooperation was only in the areas of the secular culture of the court and counting house. "Here, Slavs and Tatars elaborated together an international subculture whose language was Turkic and whose administrative techniques and chancellery culture were essentially those of the Golden Horde" (Keenan and Raeff, 2003). Severe and destructive conflicts between Muscovy and the Golden Horde appear only in the XIV century, when the Golden Horde was at the stage of decline. Conflicts between Dmitry Donskoy, grand prince of Moscow, and Mamai (1381), and also Tokhtamysh attacks on Moscow (Martin, 1995) signify the end of this "symbiosis" in the political sphere. Next period differs

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and its relation to the Bible Essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and its relation to the Bible - Essay Example Watson to read and learn about significant people in the Bible. Mark Twain satirizes the misuse of Christianity by depicting Christian’s lack of understanding, hypocrisy, and over-reliance of text by using Hulk as the most moral character. Christianity values are integrated in American history and tend to act as the driving force of the American culture; these are the values that Mark Twain is able to satirize while indicating views that have been altered through time (Web). Twain utilizes many situations in the story to compare his characters and real people by giving his characters a very realistic tone. He has successfully satirized real people and showed how hypocrites Christians can be. Huck is presented as the most moral character in the novel; this role is also played well by Jim. Interestingly, there rest of the characters is unable to understand such kind of moral presented by and the only evident thing is his exterior character (Twain Web). In The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, Huck’s father is thought to be dead and a woman named Window Douglas, portrayed as a kind Christian, takes care of him, and teaches him bible stories (Twain Web). Widow Douglas is committed in civilizing Huck as she takes care of him out of goodness and urges him to live a good life and pray often without expecting any reimbursement from him. However, later in the story, Huck runs away with Miss Watson’s property, feels guilty for stealing, and believes he will go to hell for helping Jim escape (Berkove & Csicsila 81-85). Such kind of belief is believed to have been contributed by the teachings he got from Widow Douglas. Widow Douglas and Miss Watson are depicted as having a very controlled Christian mold from people and with their fixed idea; they are trying to adopt Huck to fit this mold (Ezekiel 33:31). They feel that Huck’s physical attributes are not in line with Christian

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Counter-Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Counter-Terrorism - Essay Example Unlawful enemy combatant status can also be given to anyone attacking the US in a war, such as insurgents, that do not belong to an organized military. They can be detained without charges for the duration of the conflict. Lawful combatants, members of a military, are treated as POWs. The Supreme Court has consistently upheld that "the President has unquestioned authority to detain unlawful enemy combatants, including those who are U.S. citizens, during wartime (Haynes, 2002). Without regards to the suspect's status or charges, torture should never be a matter of policy. Torture is an ethical decision, not a matter of procedure. If an agent is faced with a situation in which they believe torture would be productive, then they should take whatever action is necessary, report it, be prepared to justify it, and be prepared to suffer the consequences. When torture becomes policy, the government ends up debating the legalities of their actions, rather than their effectiveness. Our laws, traditions, and sense of justice can never make torture, even perceived torture, acceptable. 3.) The doctrine of a 'Just War' places limitations and restrictions on the motivations for initiating war, the goals of war, and the engagement of war. Advocates of the just war theory contend that a war is justified if it is formally declared, has a just and defensive cause, has the limited objective of peace, uses proportionate force, is a last resort, and targets only military targets (Anderson, 2003). These guidelines are rather straightforward in a traditional border war or against an aggressive occupation. However, the globalization of terrorism adds a new level of complexity to the... The doctrine of a 'Just War' places limitations and restrictions on the motivations for initiating war, the goals of war, and the engagement of war. Advocates of the just war theory contend that a war is justified if it is formally declared, has a just and defensive cause, has the limited objective of peace, uses proportionate force, is a last resort, and targets only military targets. These guidelines are rather straightforward in a traditional border war or against an aggressive occupation. However, the globalization of terrorism adds a new level of complexity to the meaning of a 'just war'. The war on terror and the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive action were justified using the just war standards. It was a declared war, and pre-emption was considered a defensive action against future aggression. Its objective is peace, and has no goal of territory or wealth. In addition, it is a last resort without the alternatives of negotiation or diplomacy. However, the definition of military tar get has changed in the modern world. Through one lens, the terrorists are radicalized civilians with a political and social agenda. However, their funding, organization, training, and commitment can be defined as pari-military.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Correlational Methods (M5C) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Correlational Methods (M5C) - Essay Example The study found minimal, though barely statistically significant, influences, but these factors were paradoxical: Working more hours was associated with some cognitive development and academic scores before 9 and 7, respectively, but failed to have an effect afterwards and did not have any effect on behavior problems, compliance or self-esteem. The study also included that early parent employment was beneficial for single mothers or lower-income families due to raised income. Though not strictly a confounding variable, it is important to note that the study assumes the factual world where these women were employed. While the study compares to similar mothers who aren't employed, the assumption is problematic. Might employment have been the best possible option for these mothers? It is wholly possible that, in a counter-factual world where these particular women weren't working, their children's outcomes would have been the same or worse. One possible confounding variable might be agi ng and the school system. It's likely that the fact that negative effects stopped after age 9 has to do not with working or not working but with increased independence at that age in the first place.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Manufacturing Technology Essay Example for Free

Manufacturing Technology Essay The automated systems was best said on my end. Transfer machines, cell phones and other automated devices are used to set a communication establishment upon anyone. It’s all about producing faster and having more efficiency in the industrial world. They also help reduce costs such as a bank you have ATM’s rather than having a clerk or 2 handling your withdrawals and deposits. You also have development of apps. These apps can take pictures of your checks and deposit them from there. Also manage your accounts with transfers and payments. It’s claimed that many human interactions really don’t require the human touch to it, which is true. Transfers of virtual products and or cash don’t need to be manually human handled. The article has been developed this year, which defiantly will have a fair and accurate perspective on the manufacturing technology that we have in mind now. Timings, R., Wilkinson, S. (2000). Manufacturing Technology (2nd ed.). 1061-2890, Harlow, Essex: Longman. In this book we come across specific detail about percentage-wise wholes in how much costs were reduced at the time of the startup in manufacturing technology. It claimed that all manufacturing technology orders dropped 20.4% at the start of its creation and then suddenly rose 9.8% later that year. Every year since then there’s been a 3% up raise since the start of it all. Having it being written 15 years ago I am heavily against this book, just due to the fact of how much our technology has advanced. The book shows how transfer machines are being held against in the workload and reducing the efficiency of work from its employees which is just a big key factor in communication. With the advancement in technology this has got to be a joke. Almost all technology is set in touch screen adaptations, faster ram processors, and larger memories to keep companies moving and cost efficient. Blaedel, K. L. SciTech Connect: Manufacturing Technology. SciTech Connect: Manufacturing Technology. USDOE, 1 Feb. 1997. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. This set article claims that there are 4 projects that led to the main movement of manufacturing technology. It details exactly how they got to developing such a vast movement at the time which we could easily set apart from our age having it being published over 10 years ago. It shows exactly how to â€Å"develop an understanding of fundamental fabrication process†. Heap, J. (2004). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Vol. 57, pp. 156-176). Bradford, England: Emerald Group. This book had several findings of out SME’s had an early development progress against productivity and performance management throughout different AMT’s. It shows the different effects in management and what manners they had at the time to reduce operation costs and team efficiency. Acquisition of Manufacturing Technology. (2013). MENA Report, Retrieved from Throughout this article we the write to see what acquisitions were involved to establish the different types of manufacturing technology in our more recent industry. Our updated technologies have claimed to make our recent years more cost efficient and productive by over 150%! I am all up with this article because it has its cited facts and it’s only 2 years from our current date, so this would be my most supported article just due to the date it was created. Milgrom, P., Roberts, J. (1990). The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Technology, strategy, and organization. The American Economic Review, 511-528. In this scholarly article, we learn the economics of modern manufacturing and what came with the update at the time and how it was processed and underwent a revolution. The scholarly article stated that the â€Å"mass production model is being replaced by a vision of a flexible multiproduct firm that emphasizes quality and speedy response to market conditions while utilizing technologically advanced equipment and new forms of organization.† This was the start of a new branch in observing what could be replaced and updated with technology. I do enjoy seeing the central difference of how technology has shaped the workplace with time. Doms, M., Dunne, T., Roberts, M. J. (1995). The Role of Technology Use in the Survival and Growth of Manufacturing Plants. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 13(4), 523-542. In this scholarly article, we come to distinguish the relationship between principal strength, how we use to come across the usage of manufacturing technology and what growth rates it came with. It stated that the main findings at the time had a mindset of higher progression rates against technology would have a far less development and production failure. Tracey, M., Vonderembse, M. A., Lim, J. S. (1999). Manufacturing Technology and Strategy Formulation: Keys to Enhancing Competitiveness and Improving Performance. Journal of Operations Management, 17(4), 411-428. When coming across this article we see how the main set of technology was set and how that generation at the time had evolved it into a more competitive and healthier implement. As stated, â€Å"Linear Structural Equation Analysis results show that the relationships between a firm’s practices in these two areas and its competitive capabilities are found to be statistically significant and positive†, which shows me they had their own strategic role in which they followed to test out their performance and which ways they could use to improve the marketing satisfaction. Shepherd, D. A., Mcdermott, C., Stock, G. N. (2000). Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 11(1), 19-33. doi:10.1016/S1047- 8310(00)00019-5 We come to the instruction of AMT’s and how their benefits improved our workload and consumer satisfaction. This article shows the specific studies in how AMT’s were tested and outweighed the beneficial manufacturing firms in all over the world. The flexibility and higher efficiency claims from them outsourced many operational downfalls to provide advantage across the marketplace. Cho, K. (1993). Manufacturing Technology in Korea. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 12(3), 216-222. doi:10.1016/0278-6125(93)90331-M Set across this article we have a different perspective having most of us live in the United States. With 32 set studies across this article it has been set that they have had an establishment of implementing local manufacturers across the nation with the support of  educational programs in technology and engineering. A different set perspective against the U.S. showing us how other countries had a different goal with maintaining manufacturing technology. Anonymous. (2011, ). TECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING HEALTH CARE. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) This article was interesting to me to see the perspective of how manufacturing technology affected the health care industry. With 2 new hospitals opening up in other countries, hospitals have set out ads over the radio and television to help drivers understand the dangers of texting while driving and the rising amount of drivers ending up in the hospital from being distracted behind the wheel. I did enjoy reading this because I do commute 80 miles a day to work on the highway and easily see how much people are distracted behind the wheel. I wouldn’t know this new advancement in technology has caused such an uprise in car accidents, enough to open new hospitals around the world.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Esprit Strategic Analysis Essay Example for Free

Esprit Strategic Analysis Essay In regard to a research of microenterprise in Macau, casino and gambling enterprise is the main source of income to the Macau economy. Over 80% of income is contributed in 2012. However, microenterprise is also taking an essential role to the healthy long-term development to the local economy. By doing so, a bundle of different strategies have to be conducted in each company in order to achieve the goal. Strategic Management is a way to identify competitive advantage and analyze the internal and external factors which influence one’s performance. It also helps in making a bundle of decisions for future direction and attaining sustainable development by formulating and implementing appropriate strategies. In this report, company background information, vision and mission, a series of strategy formulations and analysis are provided. Furthermore, applying various strategies in actions and implementation are attached in the following. INTRODUCTION Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei is one of the historical cafe in Macau and their exclusive hand-made pork chop bun is the icon while it will come up in mind of locals and tourists when thinking of Macau. It was established in 1968, with nearly 50 years of history located at the Taipa village. The initiate owner of the cafe was Ms. Kuok Loi Ho but the business is transmitted to her daughter Ms. Chan Ka I and other two family members. In the 1960’s, Taipa village is not well-developed as what people see today where there were lots of firecracker factories set up there. Ms. Kuok was originally operating this kind of business but it involves high risks and accidents were often occurred during that time. She later transformed her business in opening a cafe which was selling drinks only. At that period, there were many Portuguese working at the Municipal Council at Taipa next to the cafe. Ms. Kuok was taught by a Portuguese to make a pork chop bun with special Portuguese sauce and it becomes the reputable pork chop bun nowadays. Following the success of the business, more stores are rapidly opened in Macau and even Hong Kong. Besides of the flagship store at the Rua do Cunha, it can also be found in Venetian and one near Ruins of St. Paul. The food items are diversified for options which fish ball, squid, beef, and pork chop rice with onion sauce etc. are served as well. With good word-of-mouth and reputation and being recommended by many guidebooks, their main customers are tourists and it is said that the Tai Lei pork chop bun has to be tried when every tourists come to Macau. MISSION According to the owner of Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei said, their mission is â€Å"Whoever talks about pork chop bun, the first brand name come up with in their mind is Tai Lei Loi Kei.† Our group thinks that it is not strong enough in regard to be a good mission statement; therefore, we have further developed a more comprehensive mission statement below. â€Å"To be the leading role of pork chop bun market not only in Macau, but also expand the business to South-East Asian countries. As a top family style pork chop bun store, we are determined to reinforce our image by designing our own logo, slogan and brand of Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei. With the insistence of fresh ingredients used and friendly sentimental service, we are committed to serve high value and quality products to all visitors and local residents at reasonable price. In order to meet the customers’ needs and demand in the rapid changing market, we will continue to develop new technology applying in food production and innovative products. Our dedicated team is also responsive to social community in hiring uneducated local employees as well as contribution in charity activities, in where providing growth opportunity and building a more familiar relationship to employees.† VISION â€Å"We are transforming the original operation pattern to microenterprise, with regional franchise operations not only limited to Macau but also to the South-East Asian market. We believe that an accelerated profit will be kept over the next few years. We will constantly design and launch new menu items in accordance to the local appetite in the market. Our goal is to make a remarkable profit for every branch of Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei and fulfill every customer’s expectation.† STRATEGY FORMULATION i.External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE) Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei – Key External Factors OpportunitiesWeightRatingWeighted Score Increase number of tourists coming to Macau0.1530.45 Better economy in South East Asia and Mainland China0.1030.30 Increase in Macau people’s purchasing power0.1030.30 Promotion coupons attached in Macau’s official tourist map may help increase awareness0.0520.10 Cooperation with the youth correctional institution may help finding manpower0.0530.15 Threats Customers are easy to change another brand to consume pork chop bun0.1020.20 Increasing number of competitors in the town selling similar product0.1510.15 Increasing amount of rent in Macau may lead Tai Lei suffer0.0520.10 Local people refuse to work in small-middle enterprises0.0520.10 Negative comments from online reviews and locals0.0520.10 Negative news in Taipa’s flagship store in December 2011 (required to close by IACM)0.0530.15 People seek for healthier food and beverage nowadays0.1020.20 TOTAL1.002.30 Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei has a total weighted score of 2.30 revealing that the company is below average in its performance to implement strategies that capitalize on external opportunities and avoid threats. ii.Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE) Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei – Key Internal Factors Strengths WeightRatingWeighted Score Old history and reputable brand name0.1040.40 Use central manufactory to produce pork chop to ensure same quality and acquired ISO recognition0.0530.15 Earning profit every year0.1540.60 Attractiveness to investors from South East Asia and Mainland China0.1540.60 Strong marketing team to develop new promotional programs and expansion strategies0.1030.30 Weaknesses Low educational level of all level of the employee0.0520.10 Lack of manpower0.1010.10 High selling price compares to similar products in the market0.1520.30 Limited amount of branches in Macau Peninsula0.0530.15 Most products are in high calories 0.1020.20 TOTAL1.002.90 Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei has a total weighted score of 2.90 indicating that the company is above average in its effort to implement strategies that utilize on internal strengths and minimize weaknesses. iii.Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) Two core competitors are identified in accordance to geographic location, product, quality and price. Cafà © E.S.KIMO is the first Taiwanese coffee shop in Macau (MGTO, 2012), with the immersion of local favors. It also provide famous pork chop bun with a very nice unit price of MOP 13. It has many branches across the town as well as mainland China. In the Taipa branch which just located opposite to Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei, it placed an easy-up banner (see picture 1) outside of the store showing that â€Å"Macau’s famous pork chop bun only sells MOP 13† (see picture 2). Another competitor is â€Å"Taipa’s famous pork chop bun† (named Taipa pork chop bun below) located in Rua do Cunha, which also selling pork chop bun with unit price of MOP 23 and Kopi Luwak (a kind of high quality coffee). Cafà © Tai Lei Loi KeiCafà © E.S.KIMOTaipa Pork Chop Bun Critical Success FactorsWeightRatingScoreRatingScoreRatingScore Advertising0.1020.2030.3010.10 Food Quality0.1530.4530.4520.30 Dietary Consideration0.1020.2030.3020.20 Service Quality0.1030.3030.3020.20 Price Competitiveness0.1020.2040.4020.20 Management0.0330.0930.0920.06 Financial Position0.0530.1530.1520.10 Customer Loyalty0.0520.1040.2010.05 Reputation0.0540.2040.2020.10 Global Expansion0.1520.3030.4510.15 Market Share0.0530.1540.2020.10 Accessibility0.0330.0940.1210.03 Atmosphere of Restaurant0.0420.0840.1620.08 Total1.002.513.321.67 According to the result of CPM, it shows that Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei has a total weighted score of 2.51 which is just above average. Comparing to the other two core competitors, the company is situated in the middle; while Cafà © E.S.KIMO is performing the best among them. iv.Strategic Position Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE) According to the result of the SPACE Matrix, it showed that the strategic position of Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei is aggressive (1, 1.11). The environment is stable, have the strong competitiveness and financial background. The appropriate strategies are backward, forward, horizontal integration, market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. v.SWOT Matrix Strength 1.Old history and reputable brand name 2.Use central manufactory to produce pork chop to ensure same quality and acquired ISO recognition 3.Earning profit every year 4.Attractiveness to investors from South East Asia and Mainland China 5.Strong marketing team to develop new promotional programs and expansion strategiesWeakness 1.Low educational level of all level of the employee 2.Lack of manpower 3.High selling price compares to similar products in the market 4.Limited amount of branches in Macau Peninsula 5.Most products are in high calories Opportunities 1.Increase number of tourists coming to Macau 2.Better economy in South East Asia and Mainland China 3.Increase in Macau people’s purchasing power 4.Promotion coupons attached in Macau’s official tourist map may help increase awareness 5.Cooperation with the youth correctional institution may help finding manpowerS1, S4, S5, O2 Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China S1, O1, O2, O3 Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market Threat 1.Customers are easy to change another brand to consume pork chop bun 2.Increasing number of competitors in the town selling similar product 3.Increasing amount of rent in Macau may lead Tai Lei suffer 4.Local people refuse to work in small-middle enterprises 5.Negative comments from online reviews and locals 6.Negative news in Taipa’s flagship store in December 2011 (required to close by IACM) 7.People seek for healthier food and beverage nowadays-W3, T3 – Acquire supplier company to lower the cost W5, T7 Develop healthier product to capture the market share of the â€Å"healthy followers† i.Acquire supplier company According to the W3 and T3, it shows that Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei is suffering the very high rent in Macau, especially the shop located in the Taipa old town which costs them almost MOP 150,000 per month. Furthermore, Tai Lei has set the selling price in a high level comparing with other similar products in the market in order to balance their financial statement. However, it does not help with the cost issue. We suggest that backward integration strategy would be suitable for them. Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei has already taken care of their distribution; therefore, they can acquire some of the supplier companies such as the company which provides bread and pork chop. With the implementation of this strategy, they can have better control in the cost of their business and they might lower the price to attract more customers. ii.Develop healthier product Nowadays, people concern their health more than before. The trend of the current environment is tent to buy healthy and green products and company always promotes well-being. However, the products of Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei are high calories and fats and it’s not what the current market looks for. According to the W5 and T7, it indicated the need to develop healthier food. For example, Tai Lei can invest a new product which claims at healthiness, such as using organic vegetables, low fat milk, vegetable oil, etc. iii.Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China According to the strength 1, 4, 5 and opportunity 2 and the concept of the market development, it discloses that Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei have a strong power to expand their business out of Macau. They are successful and have a long history of their business and have already accumulated a well reputation. In addition, they are famous to the South East Asia and Mainland China. It’s attractiveness to the investors from those countries to invest a new business in there. Moreover, the economy of South East Asia and Mainland China are doing well nowadays, it’s one of the motivators that Tai Lei should expand their business to the two markets. iv.Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market In strength 1 and opportunity 1, 2, 3, we suggest Tai Lei can create a new strategy with application of market penetration. Tai Lei owns two branches in Hong Kong and three in Macau. Hong Kong and Macau are popular tourism cities in the world, especially Macau; the number of tourists coming to Macau is increasing rapidly. Moreover, according to the opportunity 2, there is better economy in South East Asia and Mainland China, and the main tourists of Hong Kong and Macau are come from those countries. Advertisement and promotion can help to introduce Tai Lei to those tourists before the company enters to these two new markets. For example, using celebrities to promote the brand and product or distribute coupons via different channels. If Tai Lei put more efforts to do the advertisement and promotion in Hong Kong and Macau, it can attract more consumers and increase the market share. vi.Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) A QSPM for Cafà © de Tai Lei Loi Kei Acquire supplier companyPut more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting marketExpand the business to South East Asia and Mainland ChinaDevelop healthier product External FactorWeightASTASASTASASTASASTAS Opportunities 1.Increase number of tourists coming to Macau0.1510.1540.6020.3030.45 2.Better economy in Southeast Asia and Mainland China0.1010.1030.3040.4020.20 3.Increase in Macau people’s purchasing power0.1020.2030.3010.1040.40 4.Promotion coupons attached in Macau’s official tourist map may help increase awareness0.0530.1540.2000.0030.15 5.Cooperation with the youth correctional institution may help finding manpower0.05- - - - - - - -  Threat 1.Customers are easy to change another brand to consume pork chop bun0.1020.2040.4010.1030.30 2.Increasing number of competitors in the town selling similar product0.1520.3040.6010.1530.45 3.Increasing amount of rent in Macau may lead Tai Lei suffer0.05-  -  - -  4.Local people refuse to work in small-middle enterprises0.05- - -    5.Negative comments from online reviews and locals0.0510.0540.2030.1520.10 6.Negative news in Taipa’s flagship store in December 2011 (required to close by IACM)0.0510.0540.2020.1030.15 7.People seek for healthier food and beverage nowadays0.1010.1020.2030.3040.40 Sub Total1.00 1.30 3.00 1.60 2.60 Internal FactorWeightASTASASTASASTASASTAS Strengths 1.Old history and reputable brand name0.1010.1040.4030.3020.20 2.Use central manufactory to produce pork chop to ensure same quality and acquired ISO recognition0.05-    - - -  3.Earning profit every year0.1510.1530.4540.6020.30 4.Attractiveness to investors from South East Asia and Mainland China0.1510.1530.4540.6020.30 5.Strong marketing team to develop new promotional programs and expansion strategies0.1010.1040.4030.3020.20 Weakness 1.Low educational level of all level of the employee0.05- - - - - - - -  2.Lack of manpower0.10 -  - - 3.High selling price compares to similar products in the market0.1540.6020.3010.1530.45 4.Limited amount of branches in Macau Peninsula0.0510.0540.2030.1520.10 5.Most products are in high calories 0.1010.1030.3020.2040.40 Subtotal1.00 1.252.50 2.301.95 Sub Total Attractiveness Score  2.555.50 3.904.55 As the table of QSPM for Cafà © de Tai Lei Loi Kei show that the left two columns are extracted verbatim from the EFEM and IFEM of Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei and also note that four alternative strategies – 1) Acquire supplier company 2) Develop healthier product 3) Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China 4) Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market – were from the company’s SWOT Matrix. Moreover, the Attractiveness Score (AS) from1 to 4 is used to reveal each strategy’s attractiveness given the respective external or internal factor, where 4 is the best and 1 is the least attractive. Work row by row in developing the QSPM and decide which strategy is the best for the external or internal factor. After conducted the QSPM, the strategy of â€Å"Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market† was highly recommended based on the result of the sum total of the Attractiveness Score from QSPM and it acquired the highest score of 5.50. The second recommendation strategy is â€Å"Develop healthier product† and the third one is â€Å"Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China† due the priority of the Attractiveness Score, which is 4.55 and 3.90. QSPM can be important information for a firm to make decision of strategies. The strategy of the Attractiveness Score below 3 in the QSPM is not taken into the consideration. The reason of chosen â€Å"Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market† as the highly recommend strategy, the Attractiveness Score of this strategy in the sector of external factor, there are two  opportunities are rated as 4 and two rated as 3 reflecting that the strategy was attractive enough to fulfill those opportunities and one of the opportunities is not related; those opportunities are related to the market trends – the chance for increasing sales because the tourists, especially the South East Asian and Mainland China tourists, are flooding to Macau tourism market and the booming economy increase the spending ability of local people as well. In addition, two threats about the competitors become more and more because of the opportunities that they can gain the market share of pork chop bun, besides; two threats related to lots of negative comments, news are appeared on the internet, newspaper and magazine. Therefore, a strategy of â€Å"Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market† got the highest score on Attractiveness Score because it can against this situation by create more promotional advertisements and distributed by mass media in order to capture the largest amount of pork chop bun market share, by the way; this strategy can break the negative comments and news as well. The remaining one about the shortage of man power in Macau cannot solve by the firm themselves due to the government policy. On the other hand, in the internal factor, two strengths are rated as 4 and two strengths are rated as 3 to show that Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei has the ancient and reputation brand name, the ISO recognition and the new hire marketing team so it is attractive enough to get the attention of investors all over the world, besides they had good financial report on earn profit per year. Thus, â€Å"Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market† can be chosen as a tool to attract more investors so as to expand the pork chop bun market by the promotional advertisement about the ancient and reputation brand name and cooperate with the new hire marketing team, the expanding no longer focus on Macao but Southeast Asia. And one strength does not have any relationship of this strategy. Moreover, one of the weaknesses is rated as 2 and one is rated as 4 related to higher price and do not have enough branches in Macau, so the promotional poster or promote in the travel guide book to emphasis the ancient brand name with â€Å"where to buy instruction that can be a good solution to against the weaknesses which already excited in Tai Lei, furthermore; one of the weaknesses is rated as 3 for the less of healthier food, thus first at all, Tai Lei prove some health product then use â€Å"Put  more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market† to do more promotion of the related product. And the other weaknesses are no impacted on this strategy. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION i.Acquire supplier company Acquisition is one of the backward integration methods. Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei could acquire suppliers such as the pork chop and bread suppliers, etc. This benefits Tai Lei because it eliminates the profit which normal suppliers get from Tai Lei, causing reduction of cost. Upon the acquisition, Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei may have to keep all the original staff of the suppliers. However, the organizational culture of the two firms may be different so it becomes difficult for Tai Lei to persuade all staff to have full commitment to the Cafà ©. Remuneration package have to been discussed again in order to retain all experienced staff. ii.Develop healthier product Inventing and creating new flavor products will be a way for Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei to survive in the keen competition. Customers are always looking for new products and innovations, especially some healthy food. After the launch of new products, it takes Tai Lei a long period of time to test the market response and to see whether the customers accept the new products or not. Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei will definitely bear the risk that the new products do not help them to expand the product line and obtain good response from customers. iii.Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China It costs Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei a lot to expand a new market, such as some South East Asian countries. They have to spend a lot on marketing campaigns and promotion methods. Tai Lei has to tolerate the heavy marketing expenses and at the same time, bear the risk that the customers from new market do not accept this kind of new products. The marketing strategies with high cost will affect Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei’s profit. iv.Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market By applying the same concept with the expansion of new market in South East Asian countries, Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei has to spend a lot to emphasis more on the marketing effort within the existing markets, Macau and Hong Kong. It will be beneficial for them to focus more on the existing market since it is easier to retain customers rather than attracting new customers. However, the high marketing cost decreases Tai Lei’s revenue at the same time. CONCLUSION Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei is a local brand with long history, selling its superior pork chop bun to delight customers with most efforts. According to the interview result and data, we created a brand new vision and mission for Tai Lei. Those interview result includes its internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats and many other factors which may affect the future development and performance of Tai Lei. A number of matrixes have been conducted to better analysis the current situation of Tai Lei. After all the matrixes analysis, four strategies have been developed. We suggest Cafà © Tai Lei Loi Kei to adopt these four strategies, in order to further develop and expand its own business and have a more prosperous future.

Friday, September 20, 2019

International Trade Patterns Theories

International Trade Patterns Theories Introduction In the course of globalization, highly-developed countries should have increasingly specialized in human capital-intensive manufactured goods and, in return, should have sourced labor-intensive manufactured products from low-wage countries. For this reason, especially the opening up of Eastern Europe, but also the international integration of the Newly Industrializing East Asian Economies is often considered a significant cause of labor demand shifts detrimental for the lower-qualified in Western European countries, since international trade should favor the high-skilled in these countries (e.g. Freeman 1995, Wood 1995). This paper addresses this question by analyzing the skill content of bilateral intra-European trade flows of selected EU Member States, allowing inferences to be made about the impact of these trade relations on factor demand patterns in those countries. Previous studies on the factor content of trade have shown that, even in trade between highly developed countries, the results depend largely on whether or not international differences in technology are considered. Unlike previous studies, this paper takes up this issue by analyzing the high-, mediumand low-skill content of bilateral trade between Western European and, for comparison, also between Western and Eastern European countries. The skill content of trade is analyzed for identical, but also for different technologies by using country specific input-output and factor input data. According to theory, different factor intensities in production are a prerequisite for vertical product differentiation, which has become more and more important in recent decades (Falvey and Kierzkowski 1987, Helpman 1981). Review of the Literature One of the main theoretical foundations for explaining international trade patterns and their consequences for factor demand and income distribution in trading partner countries is the neo-classical Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model of trade. According to this model, each country will specialize in and export commodities utilizing its abundant and thus comparatively cheap factors of production and will import goods using its scarce factors of production. An empirical test of the HO-theorem for the United States performed by Leontief (1953) seemed to disprove the hypothesis that countries patterns of specialization are determined by factor proportions. In a model with two production factors (capital and labor), Leontief disaggregated the US economy into 50 industries, 38 of which produced tradable goods. He showed that in 1947, US imports were 30% more capital-intensive than US exports, although at the time the US was considered to be one of the most capital-abundant countries in the world. Today it is widely accepted that, besides trade barriers, differences in labor force qualifications is the main reason for this Leontief paradox (Baldwin 1971, Kravis 1956, Trefler 1993). So far, analyses investigating the factor content of trade for different countries exist (e.g. Dasgupta et al. (2009) for India, Engelbrecht (1996) for Germany, Webster (1993) for the UK and Widell (2005) for Sweden), as well as studies testing traditional trade theories (e.g. Bowen et al. 1987, Davis and Weinstein 2001, Maskus 1985, Staiger 1988, Trefler 1995). However, in many of these last mentioned studies the empirical results of these tests are quite inconclusive. A critical concern is that the bulk of these studies assume identical production technologies and factor inputs across countries for calculating the factor content of countries trade. As a consequence, the factor content of exports and imports hardly deviates one from the other. However, according to New Trade Theories, identical production technologies would imply only horizontal product differentiation, resulting in horizontal intra-industry trade. In this case, imports would differ from domestically manufactured ex port goods only with respect to product characteristics, but would be of the same quality. But these days, product differentiation is largely vertical, which means that goods are manufactured with different factor proportions or technologies and differ with respect to quality and prices (Falvey and Kierzkowski 1987, Flam and Helpman 1987). By implication, this means that producing a perfect import substitute would require exactly the same factor inputs and production technology that are applied when producing the considered product abroad. If not, the domestically manufactured import substitute and the imported product would not be homogeneous. Against this background, quantifying domestic job losses induced by imports for different skill groups requires calculating the factor content of imports by using technology as well as factor input matrices of trading partner countries. Although empirical analyses investigating the factor content of trade on a bilateral level have more recently used technology matrices of both the exporting and the importing country (e.g. Choi and Krishna 2004, Davis and Weinstein 2003, Harrigan 1997, Lundberg and Wiker 1997, Nishioka 2006 and Torstensson 1992), many of these analyses are restricted to highly developed OECD countries, which probably share quite similar production technologies and factor endowments. Although Hakura (1999) found that theoretical hypotheses are empirically supported for EU Member States if different technology matrices are used for the countries considered, only bilateral trade relations between the high income Western European countries of Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands were considered. For EU member states, only Cabral et al. (2006 and 2009) focused on trade between high-income countries (the UK and others, respectively) and middle-income countries. However, for the former, only the United Kingdoms, and for the latter, only the Portuguese technology matrix was used and considered as representative. Against this background, in this study trade flows between not only selected Western, but also between Western and new Eastern European EU member states will be taken into account. The countries considered are Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden and, as Eastern European trading partners, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Thereby, those Western European countries with the most intensive trade relations with Eastern Europe, measured by the share of the four Eastern European countries in total exports and imports, are considered. With respect to Eastern European countries, the country selection was limited by data availability. Detailed data on labor input by industry are only available for the four countries mentioned above. However, these four countries are the most important Eastern European trading partners of the Western European countries considered in this study. Since data on capital input are only available for the Czech Republic and Hu ngary, capital was not taken into account.2 Unlike many other studies dealing with factor content in bilateral trade (e.g. Davis and Weinstein 2001, Harrigan 1997, Lai and Zhu 2007), in this study the total labor force will be subdivided into human capital and lower-qualified labor in order to deduce factor demand patterns arising from international trade between EU Member States. This will be done by identifying the high-, medium- and low-skill content of intra-European trade flows. In this way, the calculations will be performed in the case of identical as well as of different technologies across countries by using national factor input and input-output matrices. This allows for a consideration of country specific factor inputs resulting from endowment differences. EUROPE needs to import to export. That is the slogan of the European Commissions new strategy for securing its economic place in the world, unveiled this week by Peter Mandelson, the European Unions commissioner for trade. The soundbite, of course, gets the economics precisely backwards: exports are the price a country must pay for its imports; Europeans toil away making stuff for others to consume only so they can in turn get their hands on the fruits of foreign labours. But the slogan does capture two awkward truths European exporters must now confront. First, only by offering to open its own markets can the EU hope to persuade foreign countries to open theirs. But with the collapse of the Doha round of trade talks, it is not obvious to whom the Europeans should make their offers. Second, European companies are now part of elaborate global supply chains. Clumsy efforts to protect some of them from foreign competition deprive others of the cheap inputs they need to thrive in world markets. The new trade strategy looks at both of these dilemmas, among others. Though Mr Mandelson insists that he remains wedded to multilateral negotiations at the World Trade Organisation, he also fancies pursuing a bit on the side with other willing trade partners. The EU will pick its partners according to three criteria: do they offer a big, growing market? Are they cutting deals with America or Japan? And are they guilty of deterring European companies, either repelling them at the border with high tariffs, or bogging them down in cumbersome rules and regulations? The strategy names ASEAN, South Korea, India and Russia as priorities, as well as two regional blocks, Mercosur and the Gulf Co-operation Council, that it is already courting. The EU will reveal its plans for China at the end of the month. The strategy also proposes to look again at how the EU protects its own borders, because its favoured weapons are prone to backfire. For example, EU ministers decided this week to slap anti-dumping duties on leather shoes from Vietnam and China, which threaten shoemakers in Italy, Portugal and Spain. But the duties are opposed by Europes own retailers and some of its sportswear makers. Letting Asian workers stitch and glue sports shoes makes it possible for such firms to employ Europeans to design and market them. Mr Mandelson presented his strategy as a way to help the EU become more competitive. Opening up to foreign rivals is, of course, an excellent way to foster competition in cloistered domestic industries. A pity then that most of his concrete proposals were about conquering markets abroad, and that the EU is still so ready to raise its defences at home. In the wake of globalization, Western European high-wage countries have experienced rising unemployment among the lower-qualified, which is often ascribed to the integration of the Central and Eastern European as well as the Newly Industrializing Asian Economies into the international division of labor. In this context, human capitalabundant countries are expected to specialize in capital- and high-skill-intensively manufactured goods. As the analyses have shown, imports of selected Western European countries from Eastern European trading partners require higher inputs of workers of all skill-levels than the corresponding exports, but especially of mediumskilled workers. Seemingly, East-West trade in Europe is not primarily harmful for the low-skilled in Western European high-wage countries. This suggests some policy implications. For instance, in Western European countries, selective policies towards different skill groups, not only limited to the low-qualified, are required. Moreov er, the outcomes of European East-West trade do probably differ from industry to industry. Of course, in some industries, East-West trade might be harmful primarily to the lowskilled in Western European countries. Thus, one aim should focus on increasing interindustrial worker mobility and/or a sufficient flexibility of wages. The empirical results comply with the fact that unemployment of the low-skilled is not only a problem in Western, but also in Eastern Europe. Since high unemployment of the low-skilled is probably largely due to skill-biased technological change, policy should also aim at increasing labor force qualification. This is especially the case for the Western European countries, where the share of the low-skilled in total population is, at least according to EUROSTAT data, even larger than in most of the Eastern European countries. Finally, in view of the fact that unemployment of the low-skilled in the context of European integration is not limited to Western Europe an countries, the temporary arrangements introduced in order to impede the free movement of workers between new Eastern European and Western European EU member states should be scrutinized.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Male Superiority within Domestic Life :: essays research papers

Male Superiority within Domestic Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the book To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, there are many burdens upon relationships in the storyline. One such burden is that of male superiority; through the belief of male superiority relationships are stressed because males constantly need to prove that they are better then females. This stress causes problems within marriages and affects the domestic life of husbands and wives. The unspoken problem between the sexes causes tension and affects thoughts shown within internal monologues more then it directly affects events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Men in this novel need sympathy from the women in order to prove their superiority because by getting sympathy from a woman the man is acting superior over the woman. Mr. Ramsey proves this fact when he works to receive Lily’s sympathy. This is shown when Lily thinks, â€Å"You shan’t touch your canvas, he seemed to say, bearing down on her, until you’ve given me what I want from you† (150); about Mr. Ramsey as he approaches her while she is painting. In this scene what Mr. Ramsey wants from Lily is sympathy and he acts as if he is in control over Lily and therefore can force her to give him sympathy. Eventually, Lily gives Mr. Ramsay the sympathy he wants which is shown when she thinks to herself, â€Å"Why, at this completely inappropriate moment, when he was stooping over her shoe, should she be so tormented with sympathy for him that, as she stooped too, the blood rushed to her face and thinking of her callousness (she had called h im a play-actor) she felt her eyes swell and tingle with tears?† (154) and thus feels sympathy for Mr. Ramsay even when she decidedly did not want to. Not only does Lily feel sympathy for Mr. Ramsay but she also feels bad about thinking negatively about him. Lily’s feeling of guilt shows Mr. Ramsay being superior to her that is in turn an example of male supremacy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the dinner table discussion, Mr. Tansley shows male supremacy when he thinks, â€Å"he was not going to talk the kind of rot these people wanted him to talk. He was not going to be condescended by these silly women† (85). Mr. Tansley’s thoughts in this quotation show that he is putting himself above women by staying independent of their conversation therefore showing that they have no power over him. Mr. Tansley continues to exhibit male supremacy when his need to assert himself arises.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Greed in Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat (Favourite) Essay -- Ode t

Greed in Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat (Favourite)  Ã‚   Greed is one of the underlying themes found in Thomas Gray's Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat. This greed becomes the ultimate demise of the lead character, Selima the Cat. Mr. Gray uses a few different literary techniques to bring to life the inanimate written words. These techniques along with word choice allow for the possibility of many different interpretations of the text.    The general format Mr. Gray follows is seven stanzas of AACBBC form, wherein the A and B lines consist of eight syllables and the C lines consist of six. Thomas Gray also uses alliteration to emphasize certain aspects of the peom. "...fair round face/golden gleam..."(lines 8 & 18) are two examples of this. The imagery that is used to paint the lyrical picture of the feline stalking its prey also describes in fairly great detail the appearance of the cat's surroundings. Gray's word choice enhances the ever present physical aspects of his subject. "...The fair round face, the snowy beard, The velvet of her paws..."(8-9) presents the ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Role of Media in Society

In the world of today, media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society. It helps us to know current situations around the world. The media has a strong social and cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of public, it is widely used to convey messages to build public opinion and awareness, its duty is to inform, educate and entertain the people.One of the major duties of media today is to inform the people about the latest happening around them and the world. They cover all the aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war, health, finance, science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more and more news has evolved into creation of dedicated TV & radio channels and magazines. People can listen, watch and read latest news whenever and wherever they want. Media people from television and print takes the risk of their lives to inform us about import ant news.The original idea behind the media was certainly to entertain masses. Media connects us through several mediums. Especially internet has become a need almost for every single individual both for our work and to connect with our friends. Facebook, is a global website where everyone can sign up and have an account. Since 2004 facebook has impacted the world. 80 percent of social media users prefer to connect with brands through Facebook because of its popularity.Roughly, near of 163,071,460 of americans have a facebook account. This is more than the half of the population of the United States Of America. To conclude, media plays a big important role in our society. Though it can cause annoyance for some people, it actually informs us about what it is going on through different mediums. We shouldn? t blame the media because I can assure we all have been involved with it at least once in our life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Slumdog Millionaire

Athos, Porthous and Latika ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ directed by Danny Boyle is about a young boy growing up in the slums of Mumbai, India. The idea of hope is developed throughout the film by using visual and verbal features as Jamal Malik faces a life in the slums and working child labour, until he finds love with Latika but the power of corrupt India splits them apart and now only destiny will bring them back together. Jamal to get Latika back goes on the Television show â€Å"Who Wants to be a Millionaire† hoping she will be watching.Colour was used very well in the costumes of Latika and she was often seen wearing a very bright yellow. This is happened at very significant events and was very symbolic. At the start of the movie amongst the riot Latika (Rubina Ali) is about 6 years old and is seen in yellow this symbolises her innocence as she doesn’t know what is happening around her and has no hope of surviving until Jamal and his older brother save her an d run away. Yellow symbolises hope and innocence and makes her stick out amongst the crowd drawing attention to her, she is seen in yellow when she has hope to be set free and be with Jamal.When Latika was forced to work with Javed she wore dull cream colours that were scruffy giving the idea she was trapped and as if she had no hope to be with Jamal. When Jamal’s brother Salim helps her escape and gives her a car to go look for Jamal so they can be together she puts on her yellow scarf symbolising hope. Setting throughout the film developed an important idea about the purpose of the film to show the audience â€Å"the real Mumbai†.The geographical setting of the film largely took place in the slums of Mumbai, India. This showed the audience â€Å"the real Mumbai, India†. The real Mumbai India was shown by Jamal, Salim and their mother sifting through rubbish, washing their clothes in dirty water and selling anything worth money including selling spots in line a t the toilets. All of this showed the audience the poverty in India in reality with 45% of the Indian population living in poverty and the dramatic change Jamal had to go through to get Latika back.However it was this poverty in his childhood that gave him the answers to the TV show who wants to be a millionaire and his destiny to get Latika back. Once Jamal is grown up he is on top of a high raised building where the slums used to be this is a contrast to how much Jamal has changed since he was young and in the slums to now how he is a millionaire, the buildings have changed from slums to high raised buildings. Diegetic music was used a lot throughout the film developing the ideas of hope and freedom.A good example of this was when the two boys were running away from Maman (child slave labourer) and they were traveling by train the lyrics of the song were in contrast â€Å"they cant even catch me† helped give a happy mood as the boys were laughing that they had gotten away. Another use of sound was that of the game show â€Å"Who Wants to be a Millionaire† and its theme music that created tension this helped give the idea of hope in every episode and Latika once said â€Å"It’s the perfect opportunity to start again† talking about the game show it was Jamal’s only chance to get Latika.Throughout the film the idea of hope and freedom was shown by visual and verbal features from the costume worn to create the idea of hope between Latika and Jamal. The setting portrayed â€Å"the real India â€Å"to the audience and showed what it was like for Jamal and gave him the answers to â€Å"Who wants to be a Millionaire† which gave him the hope to be with Latika when he won. Diegetic sound created tension and showed the hope like on the game show. Slumdog Millionaire Athos, Porthous and Latika ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ directed by Danny Boyle is about a young boy growing up in the slums of Mumbai, India. The idea of hope is developed throughout the film by using visual and verbal features as Jamal Malik faces a life in the slums and working child labour, until he finds love with Latika but the power of corrupt India splits them apart and now only destiny will bring them back together. Jamal to get Latika back goes on the Television show â€Å"Who Wants to be a Millionaire† hoping she will be watching.Colour was used very well in the costumes of Latika and she was often seen wearing a very bright yellow. This is happened at very significant events and was very symbolic. At the start of the movie amongst the riot Latika (Rubina Ali) is about 6 years old and is seen in yellow this symbolises her innocence as she doesn’t know what is happening around her and has no hope of surviving until Jamal and his older brother save her an d run away. Yellow symbolises hope and innocence and makes her stick out amongst the crowd drawing attention to her, she is seen in yellow when she has hope to be set free and be with Jamal.When Latika was forced to work with Javed she wore dull cream colours that were scruffy giving the idea she was trapped and as if she had no hope to be with Jamal. When Jamal’s brother Salim helps her escape and gives her a car to go look for Jamal so they can be together she puts on her yellow scarf symbolising hope. Setting throughout the film developed an important idea about the purpose of the film to show the audience â€Å"the real Mumbai†.The geographical setting of the film largely took place in the slums of Mumbai, India. This showed the audience â€Å"the real Mumbai, India†. The real Mumbai India was shown by Jamal, Salim and their mother sifting through rubbish, washing their clothes in dirty water and selling anything worth money including selling spots in line a t the toilets. All of this showed the audience the poverty in India in reality with 45% of the Indian population living in poverty and the dramatic change Jamal had to go through to get Latika back.However it was this poverty in his childhood that gave him the answers to the TV show who wants to be a millionaire and his destiny to get Latika back. Once Jamal is grown up he is on top of a high raised building where the slums used to be this is a contrast to how much Jamal has changed since he was young and in the slums to now how he is a millionaire, the buildings have changed from slums to high raised buildings. Diegetic music was used a lot throughout the film developing the ideas of hope and freedom.A good example of this was when the two boys were running away from Maman (child slave labourer) and they were traveling by train the lyrics of the song were in contrast â€Å"they cant even catch me† helped give a happy mood as the boys were laughing that they had gotten away. Another use of sound was that of the game show â€Å"Who Wants to be a Millionaire† and its theme music that created tension this helped give the idea of hope in every episode and Latika once said â€Å"It’s the perfect opportunity to start again† talking about the game show it was Jamal’s only chance to get Latika.Throughout the film the idea of hope and freedom was shown by visual and verbal features from the costume worn to create the idea of hope between Latika and Jamal. The setting portrayed â€Å"the real India â€Å"to the audience and showed what it was like for Jamal and gave him the answers to â€Å"Who wants to be a Millionaire† which gave him the hope to be with Latika when he won. Diegetic sound created tension and showed the hope like on the game show.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

English Paper on Holes Essay

The film codes and conventions are greatly used in the movie Holes, directed by Andrew Davis, to construct characters and develop the atmosphere. The film is about a young boy, Stanley Yelnats, who is falsely accused of stealing a pair of shoes. As a punishment, he is sent to camp Greenlake, where he meats and discovers an ancient secret that leads him to great treasure. Throughout the movie technical, symbolic, audio and written codes are used to demonstrate the characters’ personalities as well as create a profound atmosphere in every scene. These filmic conventions help the audience to obtain a clearer understanding of the main characters and the movie itself. The innocent and friendly nature of Stanley is effectively demonstrated through the film codes and conventions. He is a protagonist in the movie and undergoes the most change to his personality and behavior throughout the film. In the very first scene, Stanley’s voice over is used saying â€Å"All my life, I seem to appear at the wrong time in the wrong place†. This audio code has a great effect on the viewer’s opinion of Stanley, indicating that he is clumsy or unlucky. A little further into the movie, techniques such as costume and setting are well used. Stanley’s over-sized old clothes and the messy, un-tidy house of the Yelnats’ family gives an impression of a less fortunate family. These filmic codes are vital in the construction of Stanley’s personality. The film codes and conventions successfully show Zero’s as a closed, shy and disrespected little boy. He too is one of the main characters in the movie and over time becomes great friends with Stanley. When Stanley is introduced to the other boys in camp, Mr. Fernandsci explains, â€Å"You know why everyone calls him Zero? Because he has nothing going on in his stupid, little head!†. The effect of this dialogue is immense. Zero is introduced as a dumb and helpless boy, yet we understand that he is plainly judged and bullied. When the councilor proclaims this, Zero turns his back on the boys and his facial expression shows anger and disappointment. These symbolic codes have a huge effect on the viewer’s opinion of zero, suggesting that he is an annoyed and perhaps unapproachable little boy. He just wants everyone to leave him alone. The audience understands zero’s calm yet unsociable personality through the excellent use of various film code techniques. The filmic conventions are used to create a dream-like atmosphere in the scene where kissing Kate Barlow commits suicide. After stealing and burying the treasure of Stanley’s great grandfather, she has been stranded in the desert for several days. When viewers first see her lying on the sand, the focus of the camera is blurred. This technical code has a great effect on the viewers understanding of the scene, showing that it is a flash back or memory. Further into the episode, a blurred image of Sam appears and Kate murmurs, â€Å"Its so hot Sam but I feel so cold†. These techniques give an impression that Kate’s vision is blurring and she is hallucinating because of exhaustion. This dialogue and several other shots work together to create the imaginary, almost unrealistic atmosphere. A happy and relieving atmosphere is created with the use of film codes in the scene where Stanley and Zero climb god’s thumb and reach water. After a close escape from Camp Greenlake, the two boys have been wondering along the desert for days. They have finally reached a rocky mountain in the shape of a thumb, onto which Stanley’s great grandfather had once climbed, and found water. Joyful and lively music plays when the boys finally come to the top of the mountain. The use of this technique demonstrates how Zero and Stanley have finally reached their goals and the atmosphere is clearly shown. Throughout this scene, cool colors such as blue, purple, grey and violet are used. This symbolizes the peacefulness of the situation and the viewer gives a sigh of relief, as the main characters are unharmed. These filmic codes are very important in the construction of a serene atmosphere in the particular scene. The atmosphere and the characters’ personalities in the movie are created by the excellent use of film codes and conventions. Voice overs, body language and costumes are used to construct the character of Stanley and Zero. Colors, music, different camera shots and dialogue are used during different scenes to portray the correct atmosphere. These various codes give us a better understanding of the film and the important messages.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Increase In Poor Attendance Education Essay

ICBT leads in presenting Edexcel HND ‘s. However, recent observations showed HND Business Management pupils showed an addition in hapless attendence & A ; promptness, failed in ontime bringing ensuing in late & A ; non bringing of assignments, & A ; the chief ground identified for the negative consequences were, pupils hapless clip direction accomplishments. This negatively effects cardinal stakeholders such as institute, pupils, parents & A ; talks, ensuing in inability of pupils to achive good classs, incresed emphasis & A ; old ages taken to finish the HND, reduced the pattern working on deadlines, makes ICBT unable to make its mission & A ; vision, impacts the bing positive image with Edexcel & A ; the market, fades parents ends & A ; hopes, increses force per unit area upon lectors & A ; leads to demotivation as consequences are non achived as expected from pupils. Importance of a solution was recognized, & A ; identified bettering pupils be aftering & A ; forming, prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments improves clip managemnet accomplishments. Bettering the sead accomplishments, increses pupils on clip entry rates, capableness to work on clip & A ; reduces emphasis, enable ICBT range its mission & A ; vision & A ; maintain good name with both Edexcel & A ; the market, cut down work burden force per unit area & A ; increses motive of lectors & A ; lead parents see their kids achiving success. Key Words – Students, Time direction accomplishmentsTable of ContentssTable of ContentssList of Tables & A ; FiguresList of tabular arraiesList of figuresList of AbbreviationsICBT – International College of Business & A ; engineering LtdIntroductionEstablished since twelvemonth 2000 ( ICBT, 2011 ) International College of Business & A ; Technology Ltd ( ICBT ) has become one of the most prima private sector higher instruction offering institute in Sri Lanka offering assortment of interantionally accepted survey classs. It was observed most pupils at ICBT surveies Edexcel HND ‘s, & A ; ICBT is most popular in presenting HND ‘s as ICBT was awarded by Edexcel International ( The Sunday Times, 1996 – 2011 ) as the taking centre for Edexcel HND ‘s in Sri Lanka However recent observation showed pupils analyzing Edexcel HND concern direction shows mean hapless attendence & A ; promptness, & A ; neglect to subject assignments on due day of the months ensuing in late entries & A ; non subjecting assignments. The chief ground identified for pupils inability to subject assignments on clip & A ; hapless promptness, was pupils hapless clip managemnt accomplishments. Symptoms identified through detecting pupils which led me to look into these job was pupils classs achived, on mean pupils hapless attendence, hapless promptness, pupils ailments on capable affairs, pupils non verbal looks such as demoing less involvement & A ; concentration towards lectures, drowsiness, negative attitude towards lectures, speaking with friends while talks are being conducted within the category room, etcaˆÂ ¦ The imporatance of placing & A ; happening a sollution to these job was recognized upon placing the negative effects it could hold upon all cardinal stakeholders involved such as pupils, parents, lectors & A ; the institute & A ; the benefits it could convey to the mentioned stakeholders as discussed below. Improved pupils clip mangemnt accomplishments, will increase pupils ability to subject assignemnts on clip, which could be a criteria taking to achive high classs, cut down both emphasis degrees & A ; enable pupils to finish the HND ‘s within the clip frame of 18 months, avoid extra payments required on on late extention & A ; remodules of assignments. Further more achiving high classs would increse pupils knowledge & amp ; accomplishments degrees, which would profit in deriving & A ; constructing nucleus competences neccessry when come ining the occupation market. Besides happening a sollution to better pupils clip mangement accomplishments, would increase pupils pattern & A ; ability to mange clip efficaciously, expeditiously under presure of work while in the university, which could be extremely belived would be utile in their calling life as clip mangemnt is considerd as a critical interpersonal accomplishment in todays concern universe. Further if schemes are non implimentd to better pupils clip mangemnt accomplishments it would do it impossible for ICBT to make its mission & A ; vission as identified in figure:2 in appendix, as ICBT ‘s mission of enahancing quality of human resources available to the market, would be negatively effected as pupils hapless classs, hapless clip direction accomplishments, hapless promptness, etcaˆÂ ¦ would non ensue in an increse of qulity human resource available to the occupation market in the hereafter, & A ; it would non enable ICBT to make its vision, since hapless public presentation of pupils would consequence ICBT ‘s repute & A ; acknowledgment in both the local & A ; international market negatively, impacting both international & A ; local market growing negatively. Besides if this consequences in an continuance, there is an high possibility that ICBT ‘s quality of instruction & A ; repute in the private higher instruction could be adversly effected, ens uing in ICBT ‘s repute recognized by Edexcel International as discussed above to detoriate. Students ability to mange clip effcetively is a critical factor that could consequence a kid ability to run into parents ends & A ; hopes, such as seing childeren go throughing tests with good classs on planned clip frame & A ; being extremely educated, holding a good calling & A ; a work life balance. Further good clip mangemnent accomplishments would ensue in non necessitating to pay any extra payments to the college on late entry or re-modules ensuing in less fiscal load upon parents. Addition in pupils clip mangement accomplishments would increase pupils ability to subject assignments on clip, & A ; this would enable the lectors to finish look intoing the whole batches assignments on a perticular twenty-four hours, without the demand of transporting frontward any due cheques, seting extra presure & A ; burden upon them. Further effectual clip mangemnt plays a major function upon pupils ability to achive a Distinction standard & A ; other good classs, which could be a motivative factor for lectors & A ; act as cogent evidence of lectors high public presentation. As job was identified ICBT City campus Edexcel HND concern direction pupils, country of influence or the range of the survey was identified as the aggregation of all the current registerd Edexcel HND Business Managemnt pupils at ICBT City campus. As identified & amp ; discusssed above how pupils hapless clip managemnt accomplishments effects pupils & A ; other nucleus stakeholders such as parents, lectors, & A ; the institute, the importance of happening a sollution for these job was highlighted & amp ; by doong so it would non merely fullfil the cognition spread, but besides bring monolithic benefits to all the cardinal satkeholders as discussed below.Research ProblemWhy ICBT City campus Edexcel HND Business Managemnt pupils are inefficient in their clip mangemnt?Research QuestionsWhat is clip managemnt? What is efficiency & A ; effectiveness? What is effetive clip managemnt? What are the factors act uponing effectual clip managemnt of pupils?Research AimsTo place what is clip managemnt To place what is effciency & A ; effectiveness and why it is of import to pupils To place what is effectual clip managemnt To place factors set uping effectual clip managemnt of pupilsLiterature ReviewTime direction involves equilibrating all the activities in which a individual participates within the confines of the hebdomad ( Canyons, 2001-2012 ) . Efficiency & A ; effectiveness plays a critical function towards finding an persons ability to equilibrate & amp ; pull off all activities of a perticular clip period. Efficiency is where clip or attempt is good used for a planned undertaking & A ; efectiveness is making the right thing. Therefore effectual clip direction could be considerd as an persons ability to guarantee right things are done at the right clip, while guaranting clip & A ; attempt is good used for the planned undertaking. However factors set uping clip managemnt accomplishments of an person is discussed below. A survey done to happen the relatinship between, hold & A ; the deficiency of ability to put day-to-day modus operandis associated to academic activities ( Dietz, Hofer & A ; French friess, 2007 ) suggested that pupils be aftering is of import to forestall holds in academic work, while Drucker in 1967 recognized that planning activities & A ; undertaking does non ever guarantee completion of planned work, specially when clip presure is high. However a survey done by Gerhard in twelvemonth 2007, showed that pupil planning is merely one factor among several other factors that could consequence clip mangement, through consequences observed by both pre & A ; post preparation accomplishments observed, which focused on four criterias such as self assesment, end scene, clip mangement & A ; self ordinance, which was capable to demo a major addition or betterment in between pupils pre & amp ; station ego managemnt accomplishments. Harmonizing to Sandberg in twelvemonth 2001, stated that effectual use of clip would assist to achive ends as planned, & A ; it is the art of arrangement, organizing, programming, & A ; budgeting 1s clip for the intent is the factors that influence effectual work & A ; productiveness. Obi in twelvemonth 2003 stated that clip mangemnt involves accurately identifying undertakings to be performed, be aftering & A ; programming of activities, prioritisng activities in order, & A ; apportioning clip to tasks harmonizing to the grade of imporatane that enhances productiveness. Olaniyi in 1998 & A ; Akomolafe in 2005 argued that, there is nil to mange in clip as clip is beyond human control, & A ; what persons are capable to make is to make up one's mind what to make with the available clip & A ; how good to form activities within the available clip frame. Adedeji in twelvemonth 1998 besides came up with a strong & A ; similar statement that supports, Olaniyi ‘s & A ; Akomolafe ‘s findings, where he sead clip is an panics resource & amp ; use of clip could be achived by making the right thing at the right clip. A survey done among university pupils in the United provinces ( Macan, et Al, 1990 ) identified a four factor theoretical account which effects pupils clip managemnt accomplishments & A ; they were puting ends and precedences, planning and programming, perceived control over clip, and penchant for disorganization. Out of the four factors perceived control over clip had shown the strongest part to pupils academic and emotional accommodation. Further Macan ‘s designation that end scene could infleunce clip managemnt was besides surported by Richards in 1987 where Richards ‘s concluded that puting life ends & A ; maintaining clip logs were of import techniques for effectual clip managemnt. McCay in 1959 developed a construct for clip direction preparation programme, where the critical elements highlighted in it were, giving penetration into clip devouring activities, altering clip outgo, & A ; increasing work twenty-four hours efficiency by learning people how to do day-to-day planning, how to prioritize undertaking & A ; how to manage unexpected undertakings. A survey done by Britton & A ; Tesser in 1991, had identified that 67 % of undergraduate pupils find clip managemnt as the most hard undertaking to pull off & amp ; 36 % varience among the classs werte due to clip mangemnt accomplishments. This farther high spots & A ; proves the importance of happening why and how clip mangemnt accomplishments could be improved among ICBT City campus HND Business managemnt pupils. Figure: Conceptual Model Planing & A ; forming accomplishments Time direction Prioritizing accomplishments Gaol puting accomplishments Alternate Hypothesis identified Students planning, forming & A ; prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments effects clip direction Planing & A ; forming accomplishments is â€Å" the ability to pull off self and/or others, and resources including clip and environing fortunes to make a specific end † ( University of Strathclyde Glasgow, n.d ) Prioritizing accomplishments is the ability to â€Å" specify, rank, and assign degrees of importance to undertakings, activities, and/or issues and cover with affairs of higher importance foremost. Make a list of points in order in which they need to be completed or delegated. Align forces and other resources harmonizing to precedence while keeping organisational mission, vision, and aims. Determine affairs of urgency and manage consequently † ( Selection standards illustrations, 2012 ) Goal scene is the ability of an person to â€Å" set uping specific, mensurable and clip targeted aims † ( Objectiveli, 2012 ) Time direction is â€Å" a set of rules, patterns, accomplishments, tools, and systems working together to assist you acquire more value out of your clip with the purpose of bettering the quality of your life † ( Time ideas, 2004 – 2011 ) , & A ; clip direction accomplishment of an single depends upon the persons be aftering & A ; forming, prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments.MethodologyThe sampling frame would be derived from the current ICBT metropolis campus HND Business direction pupil ‘s registries, available from the programme organizing office, which would give a complete list of all pupils registered for the class under each batch. Out of the sampling frame, a pupil sample would be obtained in order to carry on the research. However, HND Business direction batch 38 & A ; 46 would be excluded from, the study as batch 38 has already completed the HND & A ; merely expecting for the finalised consequences & A ; batch 46 would be excluded, as the batch is the freshest HND Business direction batch, which has started on the 2nd hebdomad of September 2012, & A ; would non enable to derive needed information. In order to avoid the sampling mistake survey would be done to place the most suited trying method to be adopted & amp ; a larger sample size would be considered in the study, than the sample size demand calculated through the sample size reckoner. Table: Operational Model Standards to be measured Measurement unit Planing & A ; forming accomplishments Ability to gauge clip & A ; attempt required to finish a undertaking Ability to form systems & A ; required resources Organize personal clip to transport out duties Maintain satisfactory readying clip for scheduled deadlines Capability to develop agendas & A ; timetables with clear mileposts & A ; deadlines Ability to mensurate consequences & A ; mileposts for ego ( University of Strathclyde Glasgow, n.d ) Prioritizing accomplishments Ability to place critical undertaking & A ; arrange undertakings in logical order Establish precedences consistently & A ; differentiate between pressing, of import & A ; unimportant undertakings Ability to supervise or set precedences on a day-to-day footing Use a â€Å" to make † list, undertaking program, or similar planning devices to observe action programs, deadlines, etc. ( University of Strathclyde Glasgow, n.d ) Standards to be measured Measurement unit Goal puting accomplishments Ability to put SMART aims ( Top accomplishment, n.d ) Time direction accomplishments Students attending On clip bringing, late entries & A ; non submitted rates of assignments To mensurate the relationship of the conceptual theoretical account identified in figure: 1 an operational theoretical account had been created in tabular array: 1 above. Harmonizing to the conceptual theoretical account forming, be aftering & A ; prioritizing & A ; end scene accomplishments are considered as independent variables, & A ; clip direction accomplishments is considered as a dependant variable. Table: Logical nexus created to turn out the truth of mensurating units used in the operational theoretical accountStandards to be measuredMeasurement unitLogical nexus to turn out truth of mensurating unitPlaning & A ; forming accomplishments Ability to gauge clip & A ; attempt required to finish a undertaking Ability to gauge the clip & A ; attempt required to finish peculiar undertaking, would enable a pupil to be after in progress on future undertakings & A ; aid to place how much leftover clip is available towards accomplishing other undertakings Ability to form systems & A ; required resources Ability to form systems & A ; resources required to carry through an undertaking in progress, would assist pupils to to the full use its detached clip towards accomplishing the undertaking, without the demand to utilize that clip in happening needed resources & A ; systems which would salvage clip Organize personal clip to transport out duties If pupils have the ability to form clip to transport out personal duties in their lives, the detached clip could be to the full utilized in run intoing personal duties, where this would assist to avoid personal duties disrupting at times pupils are engaged in academic work. Maintain satisfactory readying clip for scheduled deadlines Student ‘s ability to keep satisfactory readying clip for scheduled deadlines would assist to avoid emphasis degrees of pupils, an addition their ability to carry through their ends as planned.Standards to be measuredMeasurement unitLogical nexus to turn out truth of mensurating unitPlaning & A ; forming accomplishments Capability to develop agendas & A ; timetables with clear mileposts & A ; deadlines Ability to put clear mileposts & A ; deadlines with the usage of clear agendas & A ; clip tabular arraies, would take to student motive & A ; besides highlight the marks pupils have to accomplish at each given clip or day of the month & A ; thereby enable to be after & amp ; form undertakings Ability to mensurate consequences & A ; mileposts for ego Ability to mensurate consequences & A ; mileposts for ego, would give an pupils a clear personal thought on where accommodations needs to be made & amp ; thereby assist to be after & amp ; form undertakings more accurately in the hereafter Prioritizing accomplishments Ability to place critical undertaking & A ; arrange undertakings in logical order Students ability to place critical undertakings would enable pupils to give more precedence towards accomplishing them, among other less of import undertakings Establish precedences consistently & A ; differentiate between pressing, of import & A ; unimportant undertakings Ability to precedences consistently & A ; differentiate between pressing, of import & A ; unimportant undertakings, would enable a pupil to give more precedence consequently to pressing, of import & A ; unimportant undertakings. Ability to supervise or set precedences on a day-to-day footing In general there is high possibility that sudden unexpected undertakings may originate than expected, or an unmet undertaking as planned, may be hold to shift into day-to-day undertakings. At a given state of affairs, pupil ‘s ability to accurately supervise & amp ; readapt the set programs consequently would enable to reprioritise undertakings consequently. Goal puting accomplishments Ability to put SMART aims Ability to put SMART aims would enable pupil to avoid underestimate or overestimate of work & A ; capablenesssStandards to be measuredMeasurement unitLogical nexus to turn out truth of mensurating unitAttendance Students attending records Students attending records would supply an clear apprehension on pupils promptness & A ; attending, which could be count towards clip direction accomplishments Assignment entry rates On clip bringing, late entries & A ; remoulded rates Students on clip bringing, late entries & A ; remoulded rates of assignments, would put a clear standard towards measuring clip direction accomplishments, as ability to subject assignments on clip largely depends on pupils ability to pull off clip efficaciously Students planning, forming prioritizing & A ; end scene accomplishments would be measured utilizing pre-determined questionnaire used by researches that have been capable of mensurating pupils be aftering, forming prioritizing & A ; gaol puting accomplishments. The consequences obtained utilizing the questionnaire would be compared against pupils late & A ; on clip assignment entry rates, re-module rates & A ; attending in finding if, HND Business direction pupils planning, forming & A ; prioritizing & A ; goal-setting accomplishments has an consequence upon clip direction accomplishments.Datas aggregation programNote – Questionnaire attached in the appendix Table: Data aggregation program of the studyData / Information requiredPrimary / Secondary informationsBeginning of informationsSampling frame Secondary informations Datas obtained through the programme officeof ICBT metropolis campusData / Information requiredPrimary / Secondary informationsBeginning of informationsOn clip assignment, late entry & A ; re-module rate of assignment entry of pupils Primary informations Inquirers distributed among the sample pupils Student attending Primary informations Inquirers distributed among the sample pupils Students be aftering & A ; forming, prioritizing & A ; Goal puting accomplishments Planing & A ; forming accomplishments Primary informations Inquirers distributed among the sample pupils Prioritizing accomplishments Primary informations Inquirers distributed among the sample pupils Goal puting accomplishments Primary informations Inquirers distributed among the sample pupilsSampling methods to be adoptedSimple random trying All pupils considered under the population will be listed in Excel package harmonizing to batch wise, in order to the pupil registry, & A ; a sample of pupils would be selected utilizing the, random expression provided in Excel in order to carry on the study. Simple random trying would avoid biasness in choice of pupils for the sample, enabling every pupil considered under the population to hold an equal opportunity of being selected for the study & A ; would thereby be capable to stand for the whole population. Difficulties & A ; restrictions faced in utilizing Simple random trying Although the list of pupils names are readily available at the programme coordinating section deriving entree to the list may be disputing as it may necessitate permission from a authorized personal, as the list of pupils names may be protected under certain privateness policies Efficiency of the programme coordinating section squad influence the ability to derive information on pupils names list, which may act upon the clip required to finish the research positively or negatively The list of pupil ‘s names provided by the programme office may non be readily available upon one individual papers, & A ; therefore it may be hard & A ; clip devouring to convey all information together into one individual papers or worksheet to make a concluding list from where a sample could be created. There may be a possibility that all pupils chosen to stand for the sample may hold planning, forming, prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments, or all the pupils chosen to stand for the sample may non hold planning, forming, prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments, which may make an inability in comparing the consequences of both sorts of pupils, & A ; arrive at a valid decision.Undertaking program ( Gantt chart ) of the researchActivity completed – Activity non completed – Ten Table: Undertaking program for carry oning researchUndertakingStart day of the monthFinish day of the monthLengthTask dependant onAdvancement( Activity completed/ non completed )Comments & A ; rescheduled day of the month if undertaking non accomplished as planned1 Research proposal 10/09/2012 20/09/2012 1 hebdomad 4 yearss Was able to finish undertaking before the planned day of the month 2 Fix the questionnaire 13/09/2012 16/09/2012 4 yearss Was possible to fix the questionnaire by 15/09/2012 3 Get the pupil names list required from the programme office 24/09/2012 27/09/2012 4 yearss Was able to obtain the names list on 13/09/2012 before the planned day of the month of 27/09/2012 4 List the pupil population in Excel sheet & A ; use simple random trying to choose the sample pupils 27/09/2012 30/09/2012 4 yearss 3UndertakingStart day of the monthFinish day of the monthLengthTask dependant onAdvancement( Activity completed/ non completed )Comments & A ; rescheduled day of the month if undertaking non accomplished as planned5 Distribute questionnaire & A ; acquire the feedback from all selected sample pupils 01/10/2012 20/10/2012 20 yearss 2 & A ; 4 6 Start redaction, coding, informations entry, & A ; informations analysis of informations obtained through thequestionnaire 21/10/2012 05/11/2012 15 yearss 5 7 Final research undertaking 06/11/2012 30/11/2012 25 yearss 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6DecisionICBT good renowned private higher instruction supplier, has been recognized as the taking centre for supplying Edexcel HND ‘s in Sri Lanka ( The Sunday Times, 1996 – 2011 ) . However, it observed pupil ‘s analyzing HND Business direction has shown an addition in hapless attending & A ; promptness, & A ; neglect to subject assignments on due day of the months, act uponing all cardinal stakeholders such as pupils, lectors, institute & A ; the parents negatively. The ground identified for hapless attending & A ; promptness, & A ; failure to subject assignments on due day of the months was pupils hapless clip direction accomplishments & A ; therefore imporatance of placing & A ; happening a sollution to these job was recognized. Through a elaborate literature, conceptual theoretical account was derived which displayed be aftering & A ; forming accomplishments, prioritizing accomplishments & A ; end puting accomplishments influence pupils clip managemnet accomplishments, & A ; therefore the alternate hypothesis developed was, Students planning, forming & A ; prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments effects clip direction. Planing & A ; forming, prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments was identified as indipendent variable, where it could act upon the dependant variable which is clip managemnt accomplishments. The operational theoretical account identified in tabular array: 1 lists the measurings that could be used in mesuring all the dependant & A ; indipendent variables. In order to to happen how ICBT HND Businesss Managemnt pupils be aftering & A ; forming, prioritizing & A ; end puting accomplishments effects clip managemnt, the sampling frame was identified as all the current pupils analyzing HND Business managemnt at ICBT City campus. However batch 38 & A ; 46 would be excluded from the study as batch 38 has already completed the HND & A ; batch 46 would be excluded, as the batch is the freshest HND Business direction batch, & A ; would non enable to derive needed information. Datas aggregation program in table: 3 shows the information required & A ; the beginnings of informations aggregation in garnering the required inside informations. Simple random sampling was identified as the suited sampling method to deduce the sample to carry on the study, & A ; in order to understate the sampling mistake a larger sample size would be considered in the study, than the sample size demand calculated through the sample size reckoner. Troubles in following simple random trying method are listed in page 13. 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