Sunday, September 29, 2019

Our countries good

After feedback from our mock exam we identified how the whole piece lacked intensity but in other points had too much and became too loud without any real reason for it and at some points felt very scripted and UN-natural, this was having an Impact on the audiences experience and making it difficult to understand the story line as so much was going on.Since our mock we as a group, stripped back and taken a lot of the unnecessary content out of scene two and four as they were too long and came confusing and have been using Clack's card technique to Intensify the piece at points and make the piece calmer In other pieces to show the Intimacy and motherly bond formed between the two hostages In order to highlight our theme to show how the Imprisoned form trust groups and friendships to stay alive'.To reduce the risk of fire in the bungalow we are making sure that there is an adequate evacuation pathway: there will be no tripping hazards in the corridor to enable us to move our audience a nd performers around safely. There is a mirror fire risk from our candles but we will have two buckets of water to hand in case of problems.As performers working under stress we are in danger of straining muscles and vocal chords. We will use physical warm-ups to make sure our muscles are relaxed and diaphragmatic breathing to make sure we don't damage our vocal chords. During the lift we ensure that manual handling principles are followed by bending our knees and lowering centre of gravity.

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