Friday, May 22, 2020

Vitamins Are Essential For The Body - 843 Words

Vitamin is a very familiar common word that many and have heard of whether at school, the doctor’s or from parents at the dinner table persuading you to eat or drink something because it consists of vitamins. Vitamins are essential for the body in helping your body cells, and various other body functions. The body needs the vitamins to do what it has to do in order to give you energy. The vitamins are to keep your body going and for you to do your everyday tasks. Vitamins are consumed through diet such as the food we eat, prescribed medicine we take, and also supplements. Our food that we need is consumed when we eat, and gives our body the vitamins and energy that we need. At dinner our plate may have spaghetti and meat balls, garlic bread, and maybe some soup with vegetables. So we obtain something from the meat balls, garlic bread, and from the soup. Supplements are taken by some people as a choice or directed by a doctor. Some people may take a vitamin with fish oil instead of eating fish because they may not like eating fish or some may have health a particular problem and need the extra assistance from the supplement as required. There are 13 vitamins that are broken down into two groups. One group is the fat soluble vitamins which are kept in the body fatty tissue. They are known as vitamins A, D, E, and K. The other group is the water soluble vitamins. They are used immediately. If there is any leftover it exits the body. The only vitamin that is not immediatelyShow MoreRelatedVitamin K : Essential Nutrients For Our Body855 Words   |  4 Pages Vitamin K as any other vitamin plays a crucial role in our body as vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for our body to perform daily activities. Vitamins are al-so needed â€Å"to promoted and regulated growth, reproduction and maintenance of health† (HMKN 205 notes). 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