Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing Conflict in the Workplace Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Conflict in the Workplace - Term Paper Example This paper offers a brief overview of a conflict I have observed in my workplace and how it impacted the work environment. A script on how to give feedback to employees when conflicts arise is also outlined in this paper, as well as ways I would enlist HRs help in managing this situation. Two of the nurse in my workplace were once involved in a conflict. It happened that one of the nurses had forwarded an email consisting of pornographic material and the recipient of the email found it inappropriate. The recipient of the email responded through confronting the sender and this turned into a heated argument. The recipient felt embarrassed and felt insulted. What followed is the two nurses could not even engage in a decent conversation as a result of the argument. Teamwork is highly valued in my workplace and hence the two nurses at one point had to work together. Their engagement was low as communication was limited between them solely as a result of the argument they had. As a nurse manager, it was my obligation to give feedback to the sender of the email in regard to the unacceptable behavior in the workplace. The steps involved in giving feedback as outlined by Manion (2011) include "Stating your positive intention, sharing your observation, including impact of an action, asking the intent, adding empathy, and indicating what needs to change" (p. 340) respectively .A script of the conversation I would have with the sender of the email would be as follows: Positive intention: You are one of the top performers in this department and your contribution is highly valued. This department highly relies on you to be a role model for our newly employed nurses. My observation: Yesterday you sent a pornographic email to your colleague and she felt embarrassing hence she confronted you for an explanation. I am sure you two are finding it difficult to engage in your activities as a team. Needed change:

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