Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Understand Procedures For Res

Also it would put my colleagues at risk of becoming ill so more staff would be off work and they in turn would be taking the illness back to their homes thereby spreading the bug even further. So by making sure hands are thoroughly washed after aiding each service user, wearing the appropriate aprons gloves mask etc I can help prevent spreading any by germs and bugs and by keeping good hygiene I will help keep myself healthy and if I was to become ill to make sure I did not go back to work until I was given the all clear by doing this I will help to keep the service users, work colleagues family and friends from catching any germs. . 3 Explain the most thorough method for hand washing. . Wet hands with hot water. . Apply enough soap and handsaws to cover all hands surfaces.. Rub hands palm alma. . Right palm or the other hand with interlaced fingers and vicar versa.. Palm to palm interlaced. . Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked.. Rotational rubbing of left th umb clasped in right palm and vice versa.. Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa.. Rinse hands with warm water. . Dry thoroughly with towel. Duration of procedure at least 15 seconds. 4. Describe when to use different types of personal protective equipment. . Gloves= when aiding each service user to help prevent the spread of any germs.. Asks= To cover mouth and nose when dealing with the service user who may be ill or have a contagious bug, So I will not catch or help spread the bug.. Goggles= A shield against body fluids, blood, faces, urine. This helps to stop these fluids from getting injured or contaminated.. Aprons= When aiding a service user with washing or personal care, I will keep my clothes clean and I can dispose of apron afterwards so will stop any spread of infection..Shoe covers= If a service user has a contagious so my shoes will not spread any germs through the home. Outcome 5 know how to move and h andle equipment and other objects safely. . 1 Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling. Manual handling operations regulations (MOOR) 1992 amended 1998 Provision and use of work equipment regulations 1992 (POWER) Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998 (LOWER) 5. 2 List principles for safe moving and handling 1. Plan the move and prepare the environment. 2. Starting position. 3. Lifting effort. 4. Completing the move. Ensure that the object is light enough to lift, is stable and unlikely to shift or move.. Heavy or awkward loads should be moved using a handling aid.. Make sure the route s clear of obstructions. . Stand as close to the load as possible, and spread your feet to shoulder width.. Bend your knees and try and keep the backs natural upright posture.. Grasp the load firmly as close to the body as you can. . Use the legs to lift the load in a smooth motion as this offers more leverage reducing the strain on your back.. Carry the load close t o the body with elbows tucked into the body..Avoid twisting the body as much as possible by turning your feet to position yourself with the load. 5. 3 Explain why it is important for moving and handling tasks to be carried out allowing specialist training. By having the correct training I can lift safely and know how to use the correct equipment for the Job intended and know how and when to use it. By also attending the courses and training my employers are meeting the health and safety regulations to make myself and other staff safe and also the service user is safe during the transfer.If I had not been trained correctly and got injured through lack of training they could be accountable , also they would be putting the service user at risk if I did not know how to assist them correctly. So by having the erect training every body is safe and also we are meeting the policy and procedures of the home. Outcome 6 Understand the principles of assisting and moving an individual. 6. 1 Expl ain why it is important to have specialist training before assisting and moving individual. By having specialist training I can move or assist the service user safely.Also by having the correct training I can use the correct equipment safely needed to assist myself and the service user to be able to move, If I did not have specialist training I could not assist the service user safely and I would not know how o use the equipment correctly or safely. As I will be trained how to fit the equipment trained so I will know how to lift correctly so I will not injure myself, and I will not put the service user at risk. 6. 2 Explain the importance of following an individuals care plan and fully engaging with them when assisting and moving.By reading an individual ‘s care plan I will know the mobility and capabilities of the service user, also what equipment is needed to assist the service user. When I need to assist the service user by talking to the service user and engaging them in t he whole process hey will feel confident about the procedure and in control as the service user will be able to tell me if they are comfortable, and if they are ready to start the movement process, thereby the service user will stay calm and relaxed and in control making the whole process calm and easy for all involved. Outcome 7 know how to handle hazardous substances. . 1 Identify hazardous substances that may be found in the social care settings. 1 Urine 2 Blood 3 Vomit 4 faces 5 cleaning chemicals bleach, sprays, carpet cleaning chemicals. 6 medications 7. 2 Describe safe practices for: Storing hazardous substances= Cleaning chemicals are to be kept in a locked cupboard. Medication can be harmful so these are kept in a medicine cabinet with only authorized personal to have the keys, other medication that needs to be refrigerated will also only be accessed by relevant personnel. Make sure no chemicals are left out unattended if in use.Using hazardous substances= When using hazard ous substances like cleaning fluids, wear the appropriate equipment ‘e: gloves, masks, goggles,and aprons, this will help from getting splash back and stop chemicals getting clothes, skin or in the eyes, this will also apply when aiding a arrive user with their personal care so the career will not get contaminated by urine, vomit, faces, they will keep clean when aiding the service user in washing, dressing, or personal care, the career can on finishing take off the gloves and apron etc and dispose of them safely and therefore prevent any cross contamination or spreading of germs whilst keeping themselves clean. Disposing of hazardous substances; .Sharps- When using a needle make sure you have a sharps box so the needle can be disposed of safely and the nurse/career does not risk the chance of scratching or rocking themselves by carrying the needle around trying to find a sharps box. Make sure it is kept closed when not in use, also to make sure it is not over filled, and when it reaches the full limit that it is taken away and disposed of correctly.. Clinical waste- Pads or soiled clothes or soiled bed linen need to be disposed of safely to prevent cross contamination. Pads need to go into a yellow bag and disposed off in the clinical waste bin this is collected by a company that deals with clinical waste. Load or faces this can be put into a washing machine on a high temperature and after the wash the bag is disposed off safely thereby the soiled linen does not have to be touched by staff or contaminate the other laundry. .Medication- Medication that has been refused or no longer needed must be documented and disposed of in the correct manner ‘e: deposited in a container and sent back to the pharmacy to dispose of correctly. Outcome 8 know environmental safety procedures in the social care setting 8. 1 Outline procedures to be followed in the social care setting to prevent; . Fire= You can prevent fire by first identifying hazards and who could b e at risk. Evaluate them ND take action to reduce them. Record findings and actions and develop a plan.

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